Friday, July 31, 2009


today was pretty okay... except the fact that i ***** in class.
guess whts the ***** means.... LOl... lalalalalala....
first lesson was chinese, quite boring~~~~!
then was science.... was hungry lots, mrs samuel gave me sweets...
hahahahahahh..... then was english , boring uh........
then went through our CT paper for english, i passed!
then recess!, yummmyyy~~~! had mushroom soup, really yummy~!
then had CME, went through some stuffs!.. blahblahblah!
then school ended, went home, hmms, pandora, kendra,jessica and sharifa came my house,
they loves my room! wahahahha! thanks thanks. then went to eat! yumm yummm1
saw baby huiliannn and Xinyi! wooots! lovesthem!
then went to back to school. then went ISH, played bball. funfun!
then later went for netballl, nearly faint, like seriously.. LOL!
then muscle suddenly damnit pain, like couldnt run. LOl
then did passing with medicine ball, then normal passing.
did square and all! quite okay uh.. then later run again,
warmed down and i stay to wait for my dearest EDNA!
hahahhaha. saya macam GILA! LOL.... hmms,, hmms,,
hmms, went home, bathed, eat very little, went for guitar.
reached early, so waited. then had my lesson
quite okay uh, the teacher gave the class all a guitar pit.
then finished, when walking back. had a suprise manxz!
i saw shafiq and another dude, shafiq look funny with his hair.
hahahahha. but happy to see till him! hahahaha.
then today also saw till taufiq! hahahah. he changed his number again lah.!
so took his number blahblahblah! that was before i went back to school for training.
then reached home at bout 9pm? on my lappy and started using till now.
hmms, was super multi-tasking! funn funn funn funn!
was chatting on msn with 3 peeps,talking on phone and watching TV! hahahahah!
then ERMS!, did nothing le bah.. now posting! ahahhaha. okay.
kinda loves today, bybye peeps!

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