Tuesday, July 28, 2009


today is kinda bad! dont like it lah.
ask those bytoches fcuk their family upside down lahzx!
bloody hell, the better watch out manzx!
i have a limit to my tolerance level manzxz! fcuk it bodoh!
beside those bytoches, things were pretty okay?
hmms, was pretty moody in class, so yea....
then hmms, had math,english,dance,literature and geog..
damnit boring lahzx the day! then didnt go netball cause of my mood.
then saw panda all on the bus, the went to my house the market there eat.
accompanied them awhile then they left for netball, i went for frisbee,
thanks matt for imforming me much! went frisbee and my moody changed!
straight away laugh already lahzx. thanks to juniors.
loves them muchzx! hahahaha. then later chat with teachers in bgps all.
had much fun there. lovesit, never fail to cheer me up de!
hmms, then later stayed awhile more in school alone,
really ahd lots of flashback momeries!
really misses the past, wanna relive it much canzx!
okay.. cant wait for tmr, hopefully it will be nice and good and enjoyable! loves!
just came back from dinner with bro,sis and mum. dad working mah
okok. loves, byebye

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