Monday, August 31, 2009


okay.. saw a real touching post on my frisbee blog.
jul- your post really made me cry.. seriously..
its obviously regarding frisbee..
and yes, i really wonder if i will still be able to play it next year.
Frisbee is the sports that made my interest for sports grow.
without it, i really wonder what will be the difference in me..
i think, really a big diffrence, through this CCA,
i made so many friends, know so many awesome people.
i started playing frisbee since i was 10, till now im still playing.
yes, its just 3 years, but through this 3 years, i know my juniors and seniors.
and i have ALOT of happy memories because if this sport.
whenever im feeling down or so, i just have to go find my juniors to play
& instantly, i'll be happy. they never fail to cheer me up.
& i mean NEVER. no matter what, they will find a way to cheer me up.
i know i can always count on them, but next year,
it will all be different, no more frisbee, less chance of seeing my juniors.
i really really wonder what will happen to me. 'sigh'....
i still find it hard to accept the fact that i wont get to play it offen.
wont get to see my juniors offen & wont get to see mr tan.
I learnt so many stuff,skill and more through this..
Sportmanship, friendship, teamwork, patient etc etc.
no word can describe how i feel bout this sport.
and how unhappy i am bout the fact then it will be hard for me to play it.
I'll definately miss it alot. OMG, im getting more&more emotional as the day goes by.. The Zonals is on next tues, and im gonna make time for it no matter what.
it should be my last year to be able to see the zonals.
hopefully the frisbee clan would stay in contact& all.. i just know,
&thanks mrtan, thanks for teaching me this sport,
without you, i shouldnt know how to play frisbee.
without you, life would be very tough for me.
because of the way you teaches us, the 3 main rules of our clan,
i know how to relax and just have fun.

Happy Teachers' Day!

to every teacher in the worldd!
Esp those who have taught me.
MrTan,MrLoh,MrAng,MsCheng,MsMadari,MdmLim,MdmShinah etc etc..
&& i love bgps friends!. they rocks!..
hahahahahah... i love them;D..
hmms, then played frisbee for a awesome long time!
then chatted alot with friends, hugged quite a few and talktalktalk lo..
really awesome day in bgps.. aww, i miss bgps alot!
so my day.. start off with a call from someone..
then woke up, showered/washed up and used comp.
hmms, then msg msg msg, and shimin and eric arrived..
eric too shy to come into my house so we went down and wait for jialin..
chatted while waiting. soon later she came so we left.
so walked to bgps, reached at bout 12 i think.. maybe earlier.
zhenghao,darren and more were there already.. so early...
then i ate my chicken rice and bought drinks..
then chatchat.. called joven, rushed him. once he came,
i chased him around the school.. hahahaha,.
smacked him in the end.. melson also kena smack.. woohoo..
miss them lah.. and joven changed, he grew taller and his voice broke!
hahahah. melson also.. didnt recognised him at first sia.
hahahahha.. then more&more came.. saw khairul too!
saw alot of ppl. AWESOME! then chatted with steven too!
hahahahh.. and some other peeps! hahahha.
hmms, then had frisbee training.. at 3.30, songjun&co left to blk 33.
then, watched videos, juniors did passing and all...
then we play game. yayayayyayy! hahahah.
i loves it! then after training, went to find siyi & co at blk 33,
me,siyi,shimin,eric&cheeping went to eat...
then went home, msgmsgmsg, used comp, showered again..
and lalalla, here i am... so yea..
didnt get to take any pictures cause i was running around like gila girl. LOl.

Sunday, August 30, 2009





okay, so called card.

this is a real spider! i carried it. so cool!a god damnit cute rabbit!Adli getting rape. hahah!

weilin,me&jialin,( that day went they came to my house)

jialin&weilin![L] them! i know i look like @!$# !! hahaha. kelsey!Way cute junior!
seniors!Awesome seniors!(some) sec 2 seniors. Sec 2 seniors. acting geeky or so?


had an awesome day with lala&mandeep yesterday
went to lala house at around 3plus4. met her and mandeep at cold storage first.
then bought some stuff and headed for her house.
was supposed to do teachers day stuff which we did in the very end.
we slacked too much! had lots of fun. really awesome.
so did this pretty big card for ms ng(netball teacher).
then mandeep left at bout 7plus or 8?
i was forced by lala to stay for dinner. so yea....
then left after completing the card.. so yay us!
then left for home. was msging on the way home..
then today! woke up at 10plus or so.
because of a msg, i woke up.. then msg msg msg....
then msg jialin to come my house! ^^ had lots of fun..
so only jialin came as weilin busy, grace also busy, jovy had tuition.
so yeaps.. we baked cupcakes.. woohoo. its yummy okay,
the cupcakes are at my house now.. cause tmr jialin coming! hahahah.
so yea.. jialin cutted her hair at my house. cam whored.
shall post pictures later i guess. if i bother...
i really cant wait for TMR! can get to see my longlonglong friend!
melson soon jia hao! from nusery to now friends leh..
then can also see joven lim boon yong! ahahhaha..
very long no see them. hahahaha.. && i just miss my friends.
so jialin left at bout 5plus i think.. was really bored after she left.
so msgmsg&msg! then webcam with peep on msn . hahahah.
so funfunfunfunfunf! wooohoooooooo!
okay.. then was being retard with my retard partner jon! LOL.its been so so lonnng!!! theres pictures. click on it to have a better view.
hahahah. shall upload more pictures later.

Friday, August 28, 2009

So aint my day..

Today is so not my day..
was okay at the beginning..
but ended school in a foul mood.
but after slacking with lala,mandeep and poojah,
mood was pretty fine... now, not that good..
mood was foul because of some matter which i should mention here.
okay, anyway, chinese was doing compo test. think so be okay bah..
then was science.. mrs samuel, kinda moodswingy..
then english=Show&Tell! totally AWESOME!
jasper played the violin && its was awesome!
mathias played the guitar, totally awesome too!
it was like, WOAH! hahahha.. damn cool & awesome uh.
then was recess. with... jyoti&co... hahaha.
drank only.. took few bites from regine burger..
&&, i lost 5bucks! i dont know where it gone too... saddd...
then went up class blahblahblah... went comp lab, did flash thingy.
&& mood went way down which isnt good at all.. totally fedup..
jyoti would know why.. then met lala&co..
then went to her house, played with something cool yet kinda gross.
LOL! ohyea... then left to parkway parade..
went to mac, didnt really eat. just took lala fries. hahahha.
then went to 'shop'.. hahahha. bought something for teachers day.
and later went to find lala teacher or so.. then went home with poojah.
took 31.. was msging too... hahahhaha... and kinda here i am ...
Ohyea.. Okay.. BYEBYE! hahahahahha..
ps/ Jon, things will be fine uh.. cheerup, dont sadsad de.. ;D

Thursday, August 27, 2009


NiHao! hahahahaha.
so today was my Show&Tell.. awkward!..
did bout my Frisbee.. was lazy to bring guitar,
in the end, regretted not bringing.. boohoooo..
i screwed my show&tell up big time i guess..
hahahahaha. then was recess.. had it with lala,mandeep and poojah,
talktalktalk and then drank and went up to class..
then was malay! watched ipin&upin! damnit cutee! hahhahah.
then was science.. mrs samuel always getting mood swing,
so yea... then was math? 3 period, nearly slept..
had 5 mins break in between but must stay back 10mins, how unfair.
then was school end! went back with someone. went to slack first before going home.
thanks for sending me home.. then saw edna with her friends under my block..
then later go buy lunch also see till them.. LOl...
then ate my lunch and fell asleep soon after that... hahahahhahaha..
woke up and hello! here i am!D

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


HELLO! hahahhaa.. tag me uh!
okayokay.. had maths, totally having ??? on my head..
then was pe.. floorball! funfun, hahahah.
then was recess.. with lala,mandeep and poojah! hahah
then just drink milo.. saw keith.. waved hello.. hahhaha.
history next.. mrs vasu doesnt rock! so unreasonable..
then was EL>Show&tell!! LOL
then was discussing with patrice if we should bring our guitar..
so still deciding.. should I!? or else i'll bring my frisbee! hahha,
after that was Literature. Ms YAP, doesnt rock at all!
she got pissed by us. hahhaha. thanks to a small matter..
then scold scold scold. buaysong uh.. then later was geog..
got kicked out of class along with songjun,regine.y,winnie,saywei,jordan&shihui!
funfunfun! did selftest3 outside class lo.. saw jon and idk who.. LOL.
then we keep playing! hahaha. dont want study mah.. wasted time.
then school ended, went locker, then ISH. played bball with loy&co.
funfun,.. then suddenly regine asthma act up? thn worry like gosh!
LOlLOL.. then nothing uh... went for netball.. funfun..
play soccer for training. kena hit by ball on face. ouch! hahahah.
but okayokay uh.. used to it anyway... then nothing le bah..
took same bus as guorui,chunhua, andres&addy.. hahhaha/
then lalallalalalalal... ate dinner and here i am! wahahhaha..
im oh so very bored! hahahah..BYEEBYEE!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Im ONCE AGAIN very bored!
still sick.. having cough only though..
fever is gone. but cough is real bad.
vomitted twice yesterday, gross uh.
then coughing like nobody bussiness.
so yesterday, was actually preparing for school..
then mummy said, dont go school lah.
so didnt went, continued sleeping.. hahhaha.
went to see the doctor again..
took bloodtest to comfirm i no H1N1! hhahah.
painful manzx! the injection mark still can see leh..
anyway, today, woke up, talked on phone.
then watched tv.. msgmsgmsg and tvtvtv!
then eat dinner and taadaaa! im here!
ohoh&&! So Sorry ah, jon, couldnt meet ya,
hahahha. random. but yeaps...
then later msg more. ohyea, practised my guitar.
and then facebook... chatchatchat. msn, chatchatchat!
and nothing much le bahs. ohyea!
BGPS-ian, take notice!!!
bgps celebrating teachers day on 31 aug! not 1 sept!
okay.. random much again.. im really boredd!
ohoh! i love ramadan much! cause there's yummy malay food!
LOL! but its true. very yummy uh!
malays lose weight, I put on weight, see uh, unfair! LOL
woah its late! okayokay.. byeeebyeeebyeee!
happy fasting malays!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School..

MeVeryBoredNOW! hahahhahhahaha.
Lets being whinning!, had CT(dkwhtnumber)
had english, wrote compo only... quite okay uh...
then recess.. with lala and poojah. drank milo only..
went up class.. talk talk study study abit abit..
then was geog... quite okay.. know some. dont know some.
should be able to pass it, i think.. hahhahah....
then had malay.. Ima GOODGIRL! hahhaha.LOL
i got listen to teacher leh.. while others talk talk.
but i also got talk uh. but still got listen mah.. hahahaha..
then later was maths.. okayokay uh. quite lost..
then was geog lesson. BORING! then school ended.
went to cold storage with lala, she treated me donuts. thanks babe
then took bus home alone.. hahahahha. then reached home,
comp,, Tv,, msg msg msg,, talked on phone, ate dinner && comp!
and here i am posting for no one to read! LOL jajajaja.
one thing really got me thinking..
if you hate me so much, why you bother cursing me girl?
why even bother hating me? badmouthing me?
it doesnt hurt me a single bit.. it makes me happy.
cause what you hate bout me, is what i love bout me.
getting onto your nerves, into you mind.
call me a bytch, flirt or anything you want.
creates rumours, glaring at me, i dont mind,
i know you just cant take your eyes off me..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Restless Night

HeyYohs peoples!
my blog is once again very dead, zero taggers.
had a night filled with sufferings.
woke up at 2 in the morning, was freezing then
took my temperature and it was 40.2'c
coughed like nobody bussiness. felt like fainting.
went back to sleep at 3. then woke up at 9
hell lots sufferings! arggghhh!~
ate medcine, then took temperature again. 40.3'c
then took a napp. then ate some food,
ate medcine again.. mummy wanted to bring me to hospitial...
but i said No. hahahahah. currently temperature went down,
but is still pretty high.. wont be able to go school tmr i guess.
goddamnit. pretty much dead then... hhahahhaha/
i miss peeps, LOTS. hahahah.. i suddenly have the urgh to bake.^^
like muffinss or something.. hahahah.. okay, nothing much today so.

Monday, August 17, 2009


HELLO! feeling real bad right now.
having a temperature of 39.1'C
and a real real bad cough now. headaches muchs too.
just came home from seeing the doctor, have 3days of MC.
today, went to school, took temperature, and went home.
LOL! so going to school was like a waste of time yea..
yesterday, went to watch ''where got ghost'' by jack neo.
not really that nice. wouldnt recommend it at anyone.
then had dinner with aunt,aunt & parents at the soup restaurant..
was having headache then but didnt care much bout it.
bought somethings from tamp&century square.. hahahha.
before going to the movies, was reeallyy funf.
weilin & jialin came to my house, was supposed to study,
but in the end was slacking. they reached at bout 1plus2?
then chat chat chat, watched '17again' camwhored.
then went down to market to buy potato chips and ice blended.
went back to my house, ate in the room, camwhored more,
weilin played with my guitar.. then played with hair-straightener thingy.
LOL! had lots of funnn! laughed alot. hahahahah. okay. had a great time.
they left at bout 6pm like that cause i went to the movies.[L]
then on Saturday, had quite lots of funf.
thanks becky for the movie treat! went to watch G.I JOE at E!Hub.
went with becky,jialin and khai. had lots fun..
after the movie, went to tamp with jialin.. as in, took the same bus.
becky and khai went for their training.. then went tamp mall alone,
bought some stuff then went home. ^^ hahahaha.
hmms, then reached home at bout 2plus3? cause we watched a early movie yea.
then slack slack slack in my room alone, macam emo-ing. LOL
lalalalalalla.. im very bored now.. feeling real sick.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hardcore FUNNNNF!

im now quite sad/disappointted, as im missing out on seeing til my juniors.
they are at the pandang now! i was there earlier on..
just got the informationg from mr tan like minutes ago..
im sad.... D; i wanna support them, who knows, maybe can play too..
haiiyooo!.. sad sad sad. but today rocks still,
well, at least before i knew im missing out on something. hahaha..
okaayyy, today, had chinese first. slack slack slack.. hahah..
then was science, 1A ''performed'' for us, 1Bs. hhahah..
mrs samuel had moodswing after that... seriously doesnt rocks..
then had a short test where people like me can cheat so openly.
then she didnt even collect the paper... nor gives us the answer.. LOL.
then was english. today was okay uh.. hmms
did some mystery bag thingy... funnfunnf!
luckily im not choosen to present and all.. hahahhahaha..
then was recess, helped someone buy drink.. hahahha..
then bought drink, went up to class out my drink and pass someone the drink.. then went down again to canteen, had mushroom soup, lovesitmuch! hahhah.
then went up, talk talk abit. then later had CME.
almost 1period got lectured by miss lim. for E-learning & all...
then went comp lab, did flash. i had nothing to do so i drew a dinosaur! hahah.
a purple one too! hahahha. to me, look abit like barney. LOL.
then school ended, went to find lala and mandeep and co..
went to lala house as she needed to take her shoe.. hahah.
tehn went macs with mandeep,lala & jessica... hahahah. LOTS OF FUNF!
then after we eat finish,.. mandeep treated ice-cream as her birthday is tmr!
then we(me,lala&jessica) gave mandeep a ICE-CREAM FACIAL! hahha.
we embarrassed her in front of few st'pats boys. funnyyy~!
then later went back to sch.. took bus,
in bus was effing noisy.. then someone called me, then the rest was like disturbing uh..
then reached school, help mandeep wash up as she was sticky cause of ice-creams
hahhahah. i was first to 'attack'' her! hahaha.. lots of funf..
then later gatherup and left school for the olympic 2km run thingy..
reached the place, camwhored pretty much i think.. hahahah.
then was so so so hyper uh, ALL the netball girls! ahahhahah.
then started the run, it wasnt a run, it was a walk/stroll.
but had lots of funf, reach padang.. chatchatchat. then had free macs, so ate macs AGAIN!
hahahaha. then later chat mores. then later walk to city hall MRT all together.
jessica and regine went together. i think jessica mum sending regine/
then later took mrt, bloody hell, there's this guy in the train,
with a BIG belly, kept pushing me and mandeep, then we were like, falling and pushing others, so we shout 'OI' to the darn guy, and we were so happy that he left at the next stop.. hahahahah. we were comfortable after he left, so yeaps. hahahah.
reach tanah merah, mandeep and michaela went off together.
me and sharifah went off together, hahahah,
took bus back from tanah... then reached home,
thinking if i should go for my guitar, but didnt go in the end, thats why im posting now.
hahahhahahahahah..,.. im so lazy.. my shoulder still hurts now as we had to carry our bags during the run/walk/stroll.. hahaha. and my bag's like so heavy thanks to science. ahahahaha. now ankle hurts a little, but its still a very fun day.
ohyea, after the run, while we were leaving, we poured water at mandeep. not me, lala did. she's EVILLL~~! hahahhahahaa. okayokay..
>got news frm teacher with juniors, they played with POLY students, who were bigger and faster,and they were impressed with my juniors! 3cheers for them!
-Jon> still the same thing, CHEERUPS!
-mandeep>we ICE-CREAMED you! ahaha. HAPPY B'DAY in advance.
HAPPY B'DAY TO JINYI in advance too. according to my hp calander, their bday is tmr!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

E-Learning doesnt rocks!

okay,,. today woke up at 7.40am.
washed up, toasted the instant pizza.Yummyy~
on my lappy and logged on to asknlearn...
blahblahblahblahblah... used comp. first did chinese.
then later was maths, didnt understand anything!
have yet to print the ws nor have i buy the graph paper.
im so so so deadd! hahahahaha.. then later was break..
but the whole things seems like a break.. LOL.
then was sci. was talking on the phone with my dearest.
then was multi-tasking... then also chattng on phone lorh...
then later i forgot to do english, so im pretty much dead tmr too.
cause it was due at 5pm? but at bout 1plus, i fell alseep and woke up at six plus.
hahahaha. so i didnt hand it up. im pretty much really dead uhs.
hmms, then woke up, watched tv, used lappy..
then later ate dinner and continues watch tv and used lappy.
and here I am! hahahha.. im not sleepy not, no idea why...
now watching hairspray.. nicee hahaha..
zac efron lookk so hot lah! hahah. random much uh...
okay BYEBYE! shall not bores you peeps.
ps//Jon>cheerups! i need my retard partner.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

As promised.

like i promised, i'll post today.
okay... firstly, sorry~ for not posting,
but im also lacks of readers..
i have been really lazy and tired...
this few days, felt weak, but i aint sick i think.
hmms, today, i gave school a missed!..
i was very lazyy, tired and my shoulder was in much pain.
so yeaps, my day was pretty boring.
woke up, watch tv, eat, watch tv, see doctor, watch tv and eat.
now using comp... hahaha,. been watching BOF again..
im very de BORED!!! hahahahah...
yesterday, 11.08.09
went school... lesson conducted was mon timetable lesson.
so had, chinese, 3 period, slack mostly..
then was recess, sat with regine,panda,jyoti&co..
hmms, had 1 period of english, forgotten wht we did.
then was movie-making~~! next week will be last lesson or movie making.
thats just very sad.... then did all our sence! completed the video-ing
hmms, had 3 period of MATH!~ damnit sleepy and boring!
was complaining to teacher that im sleppy and bored. haha.
then finished sch.. went home, regine tagged along...
took some books out of bag, took bgps pe shirt..
and went to buy sushi to eat.. took bus 14 back.
then told my coach that i wont be going training ltr..
then left, go staffroom supposely to pass a paper to mdm surimah.
but she wasnt there, left it on her table, then ran to class for math.
had test for the remedial, might pass. but then... sigh....
then later went back to bgps for frisbee.
laughed hell lots! thanks to juniors and all.
had hell lots fun!! hahahah. i loves bgps!
then later went to staffroom, chatted with mr dzar lots.
then walked together with ms cheng on the way home.
chatted lots. next year onwards, i'll have 2 reasons to not go back bgps anymore.
damnit saddening uh! hmms, i really sad when i heard one news from ms cheng.
okayyy... then later reached home, and forget wht happened le.
then on monday, wa supposed to go becky house, but in the end,
the meetup was cancelled because too little ppl could make it.
hmms, so used comp, watched tv, used comp for a very short while only..
then dont know what i did le... hahahah. anyways,

Sunday, August 9, 2009

An Eye of an Eye makes the world blind?

okay, things aint going right yea?
okay, my post have been real moody i see. haha
wasnt really knowing wht im typing... hahahah.
okay, so i think im feeling way better now.
i misses lots of people now. yayayay!
i think tmr will be going becky house to gatherup.
sad news is, wenyu and grace wont be able to make it.
thats just sad. jovy should be comfirmed. haha.
jialin and huilian are still not comfirmed. hopefully they can.
so today, nothing much. woke up, bathed, ate a little.
then went to uncle house to just gatherup..
hmms, had dinner there. watched tv, msgmsgmsg..
and said the pledge at 8.24pm, they delayed it, hahah
then my family and i was like, retards standing there waiting..
okayy,,, then later went home... very the boring!
reached home, on comp and till now, im here posting,
lalalalla/ im very bored now... hahahhahaha.
maybe its time to chillll.... yea yea??? hahah/
okay, i misses someone LOTS! hahahah.
hmms, faith!, cheerups babe! anything beep me.
woohooollalala! i wanna meet some peeps. misses them much.
okayokay, you guys must be bored of me as i am.
sososo!, BYEBYE!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

oh very great?

sure, if you thinks its you, then it is uh..
okay, woke up at 12? latee i know.
i normally wakes up real late on weekend uhs..
then ate, used comp, watch tvv. then msgmsgmsg,
then mum left for work, so i was home alone.
chatted on phone with dearest someone...
then listened to music, had my dad buy me dinner,
as he was on the way home... ate jap food. yummy, but not filling.
so yea, didnt eat finish it, no appetite... then used comp.
chatted with faith and casper. hahahaha. funf funf.
then facebook facebook facebook! lalalalooooo
then someone just had to comment bout things.
so comment back lorh.. its like, a so-called fight uh.
pretty lamee. okay, im still OH SO BORED!
im still so quite stressed out. chatted with my senior on facebook.
nice chat though.. chatted bout quite lots things. hahahha.
then nothing much le lorh... my day is real boring today.
no being too much of a retard today.. rather moody in fact.
hahahha... things just aint gonna be the same yea?
&& yayness to me! casper thinks im real friendly! LOOL!
im so so so so bored!!! hahahahahah. online also no chat de. boredom!
-Great minds thinks alike-

Friday, August 7, 2009

Screwed life!

My Life Is Officially, SCREWED UP BIG TIME!
really feeling darn troubled and stressed out nowadays.
dont wanna tell ^^ bout it... i dont want ^ to worry..
hmms, who can i talk bout my troubles to ??
seriously stressing out much lately..
alot of things are on my mind, feel like i have a huge stone in my heart.
big burden on my back and so on...
arghss! just when will things get better?!?!?
things seems to be getting worst! Gosh!
okay, today, did some amazing race thingy.
to described it, Tiring/Lameee/Boring.
felt darn irritated by few people during the race.
shouting and cheering lots, making me to lose my voice...
but.. luckily, my voice is finee, didnt loss it! hahahah...
okay, i wanna talk to my primary school counseller/auntie vivian.
i miss her muchs. last time, i dont even wanna tell her bout my problems.
but now, who else can i tell to huh? i seriously find it hard to trust people.
cause im being hurted over&over again...
im stil thinking that i bring unhappiness to people somehow..
fineee, so yeaps, I think Ima Unlucky Charm.
seriously need help now manxz! im like so so dead!
okay, im stress and troubled by studies/school/peers/family/friendships.
going through major crisis! hmms... but once again, who care right? 'Cries'
so nothing muchs happened today! ohyea!
slacked with someone. till quite latee. then later couldnt find my keys,
went down to playground, played with juniors.. funfun.
i feel so carefree when im playing with them, but once i stop,
the stress and all comes back! forget it...
hmms, kena attacked by them. all wanna pour water at me. hahah.
but boohoo. i ran fast enough. hahaha...hmms...
then reached home, chatted on phone. bathed&out i went.
went for guitar. on the way, chatted on phone.. I saw Patrick.
hahahhaha. miss him manzx! LOL/ random..
hmm, went early.. was supposed to meet sis at bugis
but didnt wanna make her come home early cause of me,
so i didnt meet her. hmms went buy dinner and home i am!
watched Tv, ate dinner. chatted on phone. and here i am.
im very very bored/stress now. feeling now, REAL BADD!
Gosh shit! im feeling SO not myself this few days.
been feeling sick. no appetites to eat anything at times.
as if im on a hunger strike. but no im not.
so been eating real little this few days.
think i might just faint on a fine day. if that happens, it would be SO awesomely great!
everyone gonna be oh so happy... im really not myself nowadays!
i feel like shit now yea.. real badd uhs.... anyone bother helping me out?
i doubt so too.. hahah... if you see me smiling or laughing,
and if you thinks im happy just by that, well, think again.
im so sick& tired of everything, hiding my feelings, tolerating peeps.
im just thinking, why am i hiding my feelings behind my smile?
PS/ Retards FTW! -Jon. hahahhaha/

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Is this what you call a friendship?!
friend, what does it means?
1.a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2.a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3.a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there?

this is what it means. Is this the way we are?
friends share a special relationship. but do we?
i know, you guys are closer to her.
i know we drifted apart. but i just kept quiet.
Do you even remember me as a friend?
what am i to you? i feel like you guy dont even remember me.
just,when i chatted with you peeps, i felt it. drifted apart.
and indirectly without you knowing. you somehow admitted it.
i was crying when i was chatting with you peeps.
crying real badly.. but who cares right?
im just another stranger to you.
i thought, you guys were the best/closest friend i had,
those that would stand/stay by me.
that will actually support me through it all...
but, its seems like im wrong. way too wrong...
friends, being friends with you peeps, were the best thing bout life,
but now, its also the thing that made me cry the most.
Over & over again, it made me cry, thats what friends are for isit?
making one cry while one is happy? this is surely a special thing.
when will it be when i find true friends>?
friends that will stand/stay by me, that support me times & times.
all this time, i was lying to myself. im dumbfounded.
why did you even bother to apologised to me?
does it helps at all? you only make me more upset.
my day was fine, till now. it surely did turn me off.
its really hard to find a friend yea? for is it just for me?
i wonder, Are We Still FRIENDS?
we aint like before anymore. we drifted & thats the fact.
Once again, im dissapointed and im left behind alone.
while the rest of you are partying out there...
i hate this feeling! really hating it.
but im always feeling it. thanks lots manzx.
Just THANKS! what such great friends you were..
all i blame is, MYSELF! me, the worst person in the world, i think.

School? no thanks.

today was a big time BORING day.
I gave school a 'no thanks' today..
woke up in the morning. felt like im gonna die,
had like no energy to even stand up.
body aches more than ever, so yeaps.
NO School! seriously felt sick and energy-less uhs.
okay, yesterday night already starting to feel sick uhs.
like, when i ate my dinner, felt like vomiting.
chock on my food too, cough lots. sigh....
fine, come back totoday, slept again, then woke up.
hmms, ate some food... then watch tv,msgmsgmsg & here i am..
i think, i should stop going school.. hahhaha.
cause seems like without me, people are happier,.
Gosh!, but im serious. without, people are way better off, way happier.
i bring unhappiness to people. not that im emo-ing or anything,
its just seems like it. cant change things the way it seems..
arghhh! suddenlly feel so fcuked up now...
i think i would drop to Na next year. or drop to a lousier class.
OkayOkay, really feel darn fcuked up now by myself.
byebye. shall post again later bah..
before i forget bout it,
im now in pain but im happy. real happy.
but still kinda somehow fcuked up with myself..
hmms, im happy because of someone! thanks.
okay, in pain cause,,, i didnt go school cause im injured,
yet, i was bored and i went to jog, causing to injured my injury to the max
hahahhaha... so now, my injury is hurting more!
but im still happying lots, thanks to ^^!! hahahah.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


YOHs! hello! hahahah. im in good moooodd!
yeaps, yesterday, didnt poostt cause i was wayyy tooo lazzzyyyy!
hmms, so school as usual.. normal..
pe, played floorball, funfun! no more dance! woohoo
after school,, played bball with regine,huixian,esther and panda..
thanks guorui for the bball! hahahah. borrowed from him.
then 2.15, went for math remedial.. boringggg...
then after remedial, went for netballl. so tiring but fun,..hahaha
hmms, went late with mandeep,kendra and poojah!
ran for 5 mins, then did wam up by ourselves.
did medicine ball, damnit tiring, then do alot of things lah!
then till now, legs and actually, whole body aches!
fine, today, almost all the netballers are still aching. hahaha.
then had sci, funfun. then was recess.. eat fish&chips. yummmyyy!
then went back class, Aesthetic, D&T, funfun!
laughed hell lots! thanks to deb and adli! hbahahhahaha.
then mdm yong angry shout to class, then after that still laughing.
hmms, then was history, total slacking time! hahahha. talk craps uhs.
then was PW/PG, okayokay uh. did the flash thingy again!
sat beside jasper, funfun! LOL! erms, then class kena scold by ms lim.
we were way to noisy according to her, =))
okay, then stayed back with my dear FIZAH!LOL
we got lots in common yea? LOL! stayed till 4.30?
chatted lots. watch the soccer training too. hahahah.
then when the training finish, we faster go off. hahahha
okay,reached home. online till now.
wass so retarded talking to jon. look at my tagboxx. LOL
hmms, so yeaps. that pretty much it! hahahah
Cool Retards Rocks! LOL! now im so retard. LOL
okayokay, byebyebbeybeyebyey! LOVES,

Monday, August 3, 2009


okay, didnt pos tyesterday cause nothing much really happened.
all i did was comp, Tv, dinner, msg, talking on phone & comp!
so i didnt bother to post uhs.. nothing much mah.
today, chinese first, quite boring.. haahhahaha...
then was recess, had it with fanny, yanting,ximin-.-&angelica.
eat malay food, npt too sure what is it.. LOL..
then was english, did correction for CT paper..
then had to do this dumb survey for youth lifestyle..
then went for asethetics, movie making, darnit fed up lahzx!
some people do not know how to act or anything! then still so kp uhs.
then one other person just had to accidently delete all our sence,
1 sence already need so much time luh! sure bo time eh. fcukit unhappy bout that.
then was maths, boring boring.. now have lots of maths homeworks lah!!!
hmmms, school ended, stay back. ate with lala, poojah and mandeep.
then poojah went for science, lala and mandeep went home...
i was left alone at canteen, waited for poojah...
recieved a sad sad msg, but nevermind. so did storyboard.
have yet to complete it, talk talk to jon awhile.. hahahha.
then he went to play or talk to his other friends? idkk.
hmms, then later talk on phone.. listened to music..
thought bout lots of things. so yea.... erm, then jon left said byebye!
:LOLLOL!... then poojah remedial finished.. then went to bus stop lorh..
then saw someone, talk talk awhile then went home.
had a o called quarrel with sis, not quarrel, is opinion challenge talk. LOl
like law case like that.. hahahha. then really, no one understands me!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

okay, i cant sleep even though im pretty tired.
i have no idea why i cant sleep.
i feel like as if im breaking down real soon.
i wonders whats wrong with me..
mood this few days are complicated,messed up.
have many un-answered question in my mind.
im screwing myself up big time.
EOY is pretty near, CT are around the corner
yet, im slacking and not studying much.
in class, i do try to pay attentions but
there is lots of distraction with the types of people in my class.
currently listening to songs on phone, and for no reason,
more i listen, more i feel like breaking down..
im in a pretty weird situation right now uh..
my feelings are just in a mess, confused & lost.
i only feel really happy,relax, myself and many more,
when im talking to ^^, faith, jon, and few more.
cause i feel like, i can just be myself, bare my heart out uhs.
dont have to pretend anything.. why cant everyone make me feel that way?
OkayOkay, maybe not completely bare my heart out,
but its like, i really dont have to hide anything from them those type of feelings.
somehow feel that im gonna fall sick soon...
i just dont feel like myself anymore, i think,
i dont even who am i trying to pleased.
hmms, just feeling real confuse and all.
othe past is repeating itself again i guess, perhaps..
OhMyGosh~! i know, i live my life for myself, not any others.
but just, why cant i live life the way i want to?
okay, seriously cant sleep.. really dont know why.(just look at the time!)
as the day passes by, something gets better but somethings get worse.
im still feeling drifted apart from my friends. i think, its the fact,
we drifted apart, everyone moved on & made new friends,
maybe its just me who haven move on with life.
maybe, im just stuck at primary school when i knew, i had friends,
friends that i can count on, that will be there for me.
that we were together no matter what, no one was left out.
my primary school holds the best memories to me.
i really dont have friends like my primary school friends in secondary school.
it seems really hard to find. its somehow seems impossible.
just went on youtube, saw some videos of BGPS, brought back many memories.
i really cant move on, im just scare of what the future has for me.

today's a day for celebration!

firstly, its my 5th month with a awesome baby!
and its my senior, huisi birthday!
okay, let start my day!
hmms, woke up quite late.... slept pretty early yesterday,
due to my busy & tiring yet fun friday. was really tired!
then after waking up, straight msg people! funfun!
then watch tv for few hours non stop, of the same drama but diff series!
had to catch up on my shows manzx! hahahahha.
then ate maggi noodles for my breakfast/ lunch!
hmms, then watch tv, msg msg msg, and here i am.
my day is pretty boring, okay, really boring.
did nothing much already. woohooo~!
congrats to zijian for getting in the finals for pet rocket competition!
hahahhahaha. okayokayokay, bored. lalallalooooo!.
BYEBYE, if anything happens, i'll update!

Happy Birthday Girl!

happy bitrthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday, happy birthday
happy birthday to you!
To huisi , happy birthday! hope you'll be happy forever!
stay pretty, cute, sweet and cheerful!
you're totally awesome! with the same phone as me! hahah
thanks for being such a awesome senior! enjoy this special just for you!

I Love Her muchs!

knew her since i was 4years old, friends till now.
since nursery i knew her, till now still in touch.
she cute,hot,pretty and everything bout her is awesome!
been friends for 11 years, and is still counting.
she's my baby for 5 month, short time, but she awesome!
i just love her lots! and her name is Huiliann!