Friday, August 7, 2009

Screwed life!

My Life Is Officially, SCREWED UP BIG TIME!
really feeling darn troubled and stressed out nowadays.
dont wanna tell ^^ bout it... i dont want ^ to worry..
hmms, who can i talk bout my troubles to ??
seriously stressing out much lately..
alot of things are on my mind, feel like i have a huge stone in my heart.
big burden on my back and so on...
arghss! just when will things get better?!?!?
things seems to be getting worst! Gosh!
okay, today, did some amazing race thingy.
to described it, Tiring/Lameee/Boring.
felt darn irritated by few people during the race.
shouting and cheering lots, making me to lose my voice...
but.. luckily, my voice is finee, didnt loss it! hahahah...
okay, i wanna talk to my primary school counseller/auntie vivian.
i miss her muchs. last time, i dont even wanna tell her bout my problems.
but now, who else can i tell to huh? i seriously find it hard to trust people.
cause im being hurted over&over again...
im stil thinking that i bring unhappiness to people somehow..
fineee, so yeaps, I think Ima Unlucky Charm.
seriously need help now manxz! im like so so dead!
okay, im stress and troubled by studies/school/peers/family/friendships.
going through major crisis! hmms... but once again, who care right? 'Cries'
so nothing muchs happened today! ohyea!
slacked with someone. till quite latee. then later couldnt find my keys,
went down to playground, played with juniors.. funfun.
i feel so carefree when im playing with them, but once i stop,
the stress and all comes back! forget it...
hmms, kena attacked by them. all wanna pour water at me. hahah.
but boohoo. i ran fast enough. hahaha...hmms...
then reached home, chatted on phone. bathed&out i went.
went for guitar. on the way, chatted on phone.. I saw Patrick.
hahahhaha. miss him manzx! LOL/ random..
hmm, went early.. was supposed to meet sis at bugis
but didnt wanna make her come home early cause of me,
so i didnt meet her. hmms went buy dinner and home i am!
watched Tv, ate dinner. chatted on phone. and here i am.
im very very bored/stress now. feeling now, REAL BADD!
Gosh shit! im feeling SO not myself this few days.
been feeling sick. no appetites to eat anything at times.
as if im on a hunger strike. but no im not.
so been eating real little this few days.
think i might just faint on a fine day. if that happens, it would be SO awesomely great!
everyone gonna be oh so happy... im really not myself nowadays!
i feel like shit now yea.. real badd uhs.... anyone bother helping me out?
i doubt so too.. hahah... if you see me smiling or laughing,
and if you thinks im happy just by that, well, think again.
im so sick& tired of everything, hiding my feelings, tolerating peeps.
im just thinking, why am i hiding my feelings behind my smile?
PS/ Retards FTW! -Jon. hahahhaha/

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