Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Woahh, i didnt post for a week.. Was too LAZY to post eh, anyway i have no readers so yea.. hahahahah. lets see wht i did in the past week, from the 13-16th, all i did was exammms! so yea, nothing much. no wonder i didnt post.. HAHA.. so... on the 16th, after exams, went to mich house, changed, talk & out we went to parkway, see things and reserved alvin birthday gift;D hmms... went to popular to see what we can buy for the netball notice board.. ahahhaha. then OHOH, mandeep and mich bought witches hats for halloween. hahahha. im broke so yea.. we bought like eye mask, not those facial type, party type.. hahahah. plain types, we went mich house to decorate it and it look awesome. hahahahah. then mandeep left first, cause its her mum birthday, so yea... me and mich continued doing our mask then around 6plus we left to mandeep house. ate a little there and chatted alot. was many awkward silent moments then,. hahahaha. then left at bout 9 plus.. hahahaha. hmmms... then reached home @ around 10 i think.. hahahaha. got nagged by mum alittle.. hehehehe. then 17&18th, did noothing much i guess. hahahhahahha.... hmms... met jet, shawnlaw, zanye during these few days.. but nothing much uh, just talktalk, slackslack, spend jet's money! HAHAH! monday!19th, the most fun and awesome day so far in this month! hahahaha. finally went out and have a serious BIG TIME FUN! ahhahahaha. hmmms.... first, woke up @ 10 plus, met mandeep @ parkway, went to popular to buy the notice board stuffs.. then went to borders to met ricky and take money from him.. hahahaha. went to get alvin's gift, woohoooo, and went home to put the gift, then rushed to bedok inter to meet alvin, aishah and daniel. hahahha. daniel is like a new friend but we was in the same primary sch but he immigrated to aust, me, aishah and him was actually in the same kindergarten! but i cant remember him nor can he remember me. hahahaha. weird eh? hahahahah. anyway, we actually wanted to take bus 14 all the way to cine but was already 1 plus so we decide to stop @ tanah merah and trained instead. ahhahaha. then we went to watch 500 of summer, its a nice show but we all were kinda falling asleep.. haahahah. daniel even slept! before the movie, went to ljs to eat.. bought a combo meal and we all shared. hahahaha. then after the movie we went walking around and decide to go out of town, so... we bused to vivo! haahhaha. hmmms.... then we went to the ''roof'' first, enjoyed the view and walked in the water thingy.. then daniel did pole dancing! LOL! got a video of it. damn funny, his school in aust teaches tehm pole dancing, how cool! ahahhaha. then the boys tried forcing aishah to eat royce choco but she refused because it has alcohol in it. so yea... then somehow all came quiet. hahahaha. then went to burger king to eat, me, alvin & daniel shared fries and onion rings while aishah eat her burger. ahahaha. then later went to toy'r'us and play. hahahaha. funfunfunnn! then went to burger king again to buy drink and get the crown thingy. ahahah! damn retard eh. we wore the crown and walked around vivo, then wanted to go sentosa but was already 7plus so yea.. we went to "roof " again.. hahahaha. we sat down and played truth or dare! DAMN FUN! we dared daniel to go ask a girl for her number and he really went! so daring! then i got dared to kiss aishah on the cheeks so i did it too. and daniel also got dared to kiss aishah on the cheeks. he did! hahahahha! so aishah got kissed twice on that day. LOL! then we dared alvin to sing the national athem out loud. and aishah didnt have any dare i think.. hahahahah. hmmms! then we stopped playing , so we sat down and chat.. then laid on the ground to look @ the stars, there wasnt much stars that night. so yea... hahahaha.then around 8plus9, we left, bused 10 all the way to the busstop after my school.. haahah. told daniel how to get home and me, aishah & alvin bused 2 home. i felt sick uh.. was kinda dizzy and all.. haahhah. reached home, got nagged damn little even though i was like a hour late? i think its okay uh. hahhaha. was out of home for 11 hours that day. how awesome! then @ home, realise i got a fever. hhahahah. then nothing much uh.. hahahhaha. then next day, which was yesterday, woke up late. hahaha. cause slept late. then still had a little fever but didnt bother.. ahhahaha. went to school, went up class.. got caught by dm for wearing pe and not bringing my uniform.. hahhhaha. then was cold sweating in class. gosh! hahhahah. well, got ACCUSED of cheating, so talktalktalk to teacher, nothing much.. welll, then went to music room, checked scripts then went for recess, no, i didnt go for recess. i asked someone help me buy drinks then i was kinda trying to write my reflection thingy. hahaha. but only manage to write 2 lines! LOL! then went back to music room, checked more scripts and guess what, i only pass english, and failed sci, lit & chinese! hahaha. how amazzing! hahahaha. but i did improve! hahahahah. goodjob! haahhahahaha. then went back to class for pw, did some stuffs then lefft class early with regine, panda, ken. mathias and songjun because of dragon boating. hahhahaha. then go canteen, then later regine, panda and all came down, chatted and all. then later went to foyer to assemble then the netball girls(sec1) played truth or dare. was pretty funnf i guess. hahahaha. then later went to kallang there to dragon boat, was in the same group as nadia, kelsey, sharifah, songjun and some more peeps, dont really know them.. then yayayaya.. OHYA!, nadia and i was splashing water @ each otehr and the other groups was laughing @ us. but it was so funnn! during the end of it, the debriefing time, reuben nearly faint cause he was dehydrated. haiiyoooo! hahahahah. then then then!!,,, went to kallang KFC with nadia, tahira, azra, panda, mich and mandeep.. chatted hell lots. gossips and all. ahahahhaha! funnnfuunnnfff! ahhaahha. then took bus1o back with nadia mich & mandeep.. Chatted hell lots with nadia in the bus. funfunfun! she rocks uh! ahhaha. mich and mandeep alighted first. then i alighted @ my school bus stop, waited hell long for bus 14 or 45 to come, guess what, both bus come @ the same timing. how amzing. hahahaha. then reached home, showered and all, and i still had fever. hahahahah! then went to sleeppp! ohya! need to thank nadia for lending me 4bucks! pay u back soon! hahahha.. then slept, didnt go school today cause of my fever' and im kinda lazy too.. hahahaha. so did nothing much.. hahaahhahah! then hmmms.... went to meet ^^ just now for a short short while then yeayeaps. home again. damn boring day!! hmmms. tmr no schoool, so yea. no plans still.. monday also no school. hmmms.! ohokayokay, byeeee! the part highlighted is the part which i enjoy;D

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