Wednesday, July 1, 2009


okay, today, i gave schoolk a MISSED!
mainly because i was really really tired, but also because i was SICK.
i got a mild flu, bad sore & cough.. so gave schoolk a miss.
but didnt go and see doctor... not very serious mah.....
so woke up LATE(!)~ during noon then i wake up..
then today WHOLE day at home. most time in room.
then use my aunt lappy as she's in genting highland now.
so yea... online for like almost the whole day.
chatted on facebook & msn.... so, made a new friend today.
through facebook.. but i mean, friend de friend lah..
and then..... talk talk talk... also suddenly msg adam.
im random.. so yea...

yesterday was pretty ok uh....
in schoolk was okay... hmms,
ohyea, this week got PE twice!! woohoo.
so had PE lesson, hate it now, cause all the girls are supposed to DANCE(!)
so darn stupid! then they say modern dance, i though ok uh,..
but in the end, the ask the CHINESE DANCE instructor to teach us MODERN DANCE.
kinda stupid yea? its like !@$#%^%@$!#$%^.... ..... and worst, we have to learn to dance for 5 weeks. so my favourite thing bout school is like destroy for five weeks. darnit!
then after five weeks, its the boys turn to dance. cant wait for it!! hahahahha.
so recess, sat alone at first, then later alicia & co joined..
sat beside yangjie, keep disturbing him uh me.
then after recess was history, for 1 damn hour. BORING(!)~ nearly slept..
then after history was english, hate it much!
stupid teacher! then after english is LITERATURE.. new teacher.
MS YAP! she suck pretty much. MR KHOO better! he rockshardcore!
he's not teahing us anymore. ='(
so after literature was geog... dont really like it... LOl
after school, met up with andres first,
then wanted take cab, but in the end say dontwan
then wanted to walk, andres dontwant
then say take bus, bus come le, cannot squezze in,
then andres say walk, i dontwant, so in the end we take cab.. then i go buy bbt first.
then meet huilian & xinyi first. then later slack slack, jialin came and lastly weilin...
talk talk blah blah blah......

first lesson, PE. not dance,
we only ran... cause of shortage of time.... so yea,,.....
then nothing much....

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