Thursday, July 30, 2009

How am suppose to stay strong when things are so aganist me?
What am I suppose to do that will make everyone happy?
I aint a perfectionist, i cant pleased everyone. but I try, i really do try.
But, is it helping? is it working? Whats right and whats wrong?
how am i suppose to make all of you people happy?
Cant I live life my way?!? must I really live it for other people?
I just want things to turn out right. but its not happening!
just this week, i really felt like slashing lots of time,
but I promise some people that I wont. so im trying not to!
I really wonder who I can trust, i really feel drifted apart from everyone.
from all my friends, sigh.. who understand me?
who can related to me? who can I trust?
my mind is just so filled with questions, question marks!
i dreads going to school just cause my my classmates. certain ones.

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