Thursday, July 16, 2009

Random much?!

okay,,, yesterday,, gave schhooll a miss,
just of pure laziness & bodyache,... so.. stayed at home, slacking the whole darn day,
hmms, BORING~~, so darn bored at home lorh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TODAY, hmms, long time before recess time.
first lesson, CHINESE, BORINGGG~.. then was SCIENCE,
went through class test paper... then ENGLISH, BORING TOO
almost slept... hmms, then, its RECESS!!!~~~!!!!
ate mushroom soup, and drank milo! hmms, the CME is MATHS,
can sleep lah! stupid cher, gives so much homeworks!!!
then after school, went to lala house, she changed then off-ed to mandeep house
then trained and eat and slack. then bus-ed home with poojah..
reached home at bout' 5.30? then used comp a while.. then showered
& off-ed to bcc for guitar lesson! quite hard.. keep talking to this malay girl
sec 3, bedok town sec. sorry, dont know her name....
then practise and end le, 1hr only.... then..................
ohyea! went home alone, damn dark at some point of time,then hmms,
msg people:leslie,rain,casper,michaela&& EVA
weird... i know... we just suddenly talk!hahahah
then bought my dinner, yummyy~~~
then home sweet home, used comp straight! now chatting with eva! LOl!
random much? so much lah! just now facebook playing poker!
yea yea, buhbye!~!!!!!~!~!@~$#%

ps// hey small girl, dont come crying to me lah! u think i care alot uh? GND lahs!
stop wasting my precious time can?!?! fook off bytoch1

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