Saturday, September 12, 2009


hmms. yesterday.. didnt post cause cousin used the laptop.
hmms. used comp for a super long time during the day.
around 1.15, went to bath and allll..... hahhahahaha.
then @ bout 2, went to meet me favourite,
after meeting him, went home, used comp again.
ate my sushi.yummmmmmmyyyy! then later prepared.
left for lala house. waited for bus 14 very long.
bout 15 mins i guess. hahahahah.. then reached lala house,
watched tv with her, then tried using my laptop,
but couldnt connect to the internet. hahahahha. so i was real bored.
then used lala laptop, we both used it, then checked out SAS.
so jealousof that school. lovesit can! it has like 3 pools in it. how cool...
hmms... then later ate dinner @ her house. had chicken rice i guess.
it was yummmyy too! hahahahhaha. pretty enjoyed.
then later went to park. talktalk abit. then waited for Coolretardpartner to come. then walked home with retardpartner'. shall not mention name ;D hahahhahaha.
talktalktalk then 'someone' kept laughing @ me. so evill! hahahah.
(someone=coolretardpartner, said not to mentioning names le mah)
then half way back saw mrs samuel! LOL yea?!
was like, shock uh. hahahahahha. then walk walk walk.
reached home@ 9.59pm. just nice before 10 like i said. hahahhaha.
so accurate yea? hahahahha. so used comp.. msgmsgmsg.
mum bought macs for me ;D super late supper.
then chatted on phone, then @ bout 3, slept/.
today!, was supposed to go church with dad, but i was too lazy.
so i didnt go, feeling so guilty. cause i promised him i would go.
but thanks me for being a good friend listening to someone talk last night,
i was so tired today. see, ima good friend ;D LOL. bhb me!
hmms, woke up late.. then later used comp..
then was afk for an hour i guess. hahahhaha. was helping sis out.
then here i am ;D hahahahahhahah! okayokay./.byebye!

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