Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dead Beat!

okay, today was mine math and chinese CT,
math was prettty easy, chinese was HARD!
i think im gonna fail chinese and pass math somehow.
okay, had history,english and geog lesson today,
ms tan was in a pretty good mood today, but she dressed like#$#%#%!$%^&
hmms, goeg, teacher didnt come, woohoo. mr ara{sp?} took our class.
funfunfun!!! i skipped 30 mins of class, with panda & regine -.-
okay... then talktalk to huixian,jingyi all uh.... then ding dong!
school end le, went to eat, ate wanton mee, yummmmyyyyy!
then hide from coach.. then later we to library slack first
before going for maths remedial,.... quite dumb uh the remedial..
then me and mandeep went off first cause of training,
training is KILLING! quite ots of people felt like vomitting.
some even did vomit.. kinda ewww... okay.....
then training till like %$^$#@!!! felt giddy at a point of time...
hmms, training ended at around, hmms, 4.30 plus?
okay...stay while longer to chat.. ermserms,
then then, took cab home with regine, she longbang me thats why....
then reach home, use comp, bath, and here I am!
currently, my ankle hurts like nobody bussiness,
true enough, nobody do care so duh,. nobody bussiness lah...
okays, readers,(hope thr is) please tag?
not reading but passby my blog also tag. hahahaha
im lammeeee.. im boreddd. im in painnnn!!!! hahahha..
okayokay~... BUHBYE!!!!

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