Monday, July 20, 2009


okay, today, went school quite early, reach at 7.10, around there.
but in the end, went up class like 7.20 plus,
because i decided to be a good friend and waited for mandeep and lala..
hmms, went up class, almost no one was ready for history, including me!DUH!
okay, first paper was english, had summery, for me, not enough time uh.
then rush to finish it before teacher collect.. after the paper was recess..
only drank milo, kinda revised with poojah,mandeep and lala..
was talking craps mostly.. hahahaha.. then history paper, I DIE already uh.
hmms, then after paper was normal timetable.
had movie-making instead of photography for me boohooo...
we were divided into 2 groups, as usual, odd&even.
so yea, im in movie-making, kinda dissapointed uh... but, whatever.
hmms, maths, did nothing much. did some constructions thingy..
then hmms, end of school. stayed back to accompany alicia..
followed her to her science remedial class.. hmms, ended le then...
went to alicia house slack... played bball, just shooting.
then talktalk, used comp and home i went.
okay. came home, no one was at home, so i was home alone...
thenthen, home alone for hours! then use comp, started msging ppl
and asking if they have mathematical set to lend me. apparently, none have!
im so dead for tmr maths! hahahaha! okay, im going berserk! GILA u know!
okay, then sis call, met her for dinner at market...
eat jap food, yummy.. just came home. have yet to find a mathematical set!
okayokay, im so bored now! buhbye!

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