Thursday, July 23, 2009

quite a good day.

Hehey Heyyo!
im like really bored therefore im kinda lame...
hahahaha. okays, today, i went to schoolll...
hmms, laugh quite lots. cause of jasper and all..
hmms, leg was in pretty much pain at times.
but tahan/tolerate lorh. nothing i can do bout it...
okay.. then had literature after that was english.
ms tan in quite good mood again. laughed lots during english.
hmms, then recess, together with poojah,lala,mandeep&panda.
eat some rice with fish & egg. yummy much!
......then drank milo too! wahahahha...
hmms, then was MT, today is malay lesson.
chinese teacher today abit sotsot! ahahahha.
then blahblahblah. then was science, went to lab..
did experiment bout pressure blahblahblah!hahahha
quite okay uh. then was maths. quite boring but still fine.
after math was geog,for 1 period only. teacher didnt come again!
woohoo~! mr ara{sp?] came again.. funfunfun! went to locker
then to the toilet and back to class.. talk talk with panda uh..
was talking bout someone lorh... quite obvious lah...
okay... stayed back with mandeep. accompanied her to eat.
by that i meant, looking at her eat. saw alvin,
ask if want go back together, so yea, we did.
with muhd, chat chat chat uhs. then yuanxi told me some stuff.
thinks its really fake? unsure... hahahah.
then she thought me and alvin, u know u know. ahhahah.
but we're not! we're just really good/close friends now. hahahahha
okay.. ohyea, alvin classmate kept disturbing me lah..
once again, nothing i can do yea.... alvin walked with me to my block
he had to alight at my house de bus stop mah.. hmms,
then saw jianlong,yangheng and another guy..
okay. so said hihi' all this, wave wave all lorh. ahahhahah.
so... hmms, reached home, watched tv, now, using comp, posting!
hahahahhaah.. im really really bored!

now I really kinda realise, times really do flies way too fast.
too fast for me to learnt to cherish things or people round me.
time flies to fast, so cherish the moment now.
dont take things for granted too much..
there's never enought time for a person.
always wanting more, by humans nature,
making us forget the good things bout life.
being able to live another day, may seems to be a torture at times,
but, there's so many people fighting, killing just to live another day.
many lives are lost in a day, so, somehow, its luckly we still have our lives with us.
just think bout the people round us, who care for us.
who loves us, protect and cherish us.
'time' now, to me, is way too precious to loss it.
i know that life aint gonna be good for me,
but when i think boutt my primary school life,
i somehow feel, I'll get through it. with helps from friends and all.
Its time to start cherishing, and not forgetting the good things bout life.
yea, ii know, kinda/really random, but this is like what i kinda feel now.

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