Wednesday, August 5, 2009


YOHs! hello! hahahah. im in good moooodd!
yeaps, yesterday, didnt poostt cause i was wayyy tooo lazzzyyyy!
hmms, so school as usual.. normal..
pe, played floorball, funfun! no more dance! woohoo
after school,, played bball with regine,huixian,esther and panda..
thanks guorui for the bball! hahahah. borrowed from him.
then 2.15, went for math remedial.. boringggg...
then after remedial, went for netballl. so tiring but fun,..hahaha
hmms, went late with mandeep,kendra and poojah!
ran for 5 mins, then did wam up by ourselves.
did medicine ball, damnit tiring, then do alot of things lah!
then till now, legs and actually, whole body aches!
fine, today, almost all the netballers are still aching. hahaha.
then had sci, funfun. then was recess.. eat fish&chips. yummmyyy!
then went back class, Aesthetic, D&T, funfun!
laughed hell lots! thanks to deb and adli! hbahahhahaha.
then mdm yong angry shout to class, then after that still laughing.
hmms, then was history, total slacking time! hahahha. talk craps uhs.
then was PW/PG, okayokay uh. did the flash thingy again!
sat beside jasper, funfun! LOL! erms, then class kena scold by ms lim.
we were way to noisy according to her, =))
okay, then stayed back with my dear FIZAH!LOL
we got lots in common yea? LOL! stayed till 4.30?
chatted lots. watch the soccer training too. hahahah.
then when the training finish, we faster go off. hahahha
okay,reached home. online till now.
wass so retarded talking to jon. look at my tagboxx. LOL
hmms, so yeaps. that pretty much it! hahahah
Cool Retards Rocks! LOL! now im so retard. LOL
okayokay, byebyebbeybeyebyey! LOVES,

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