Friday, August 28, 2009

So aint my day..

Today is so not my day..
was okay at the beginning..
but ended school in a foul mood.
but after slacking with lala,mandeep and poojah,
mood was pretty fine... now, not that good..
mood was foul because of some matter which i should mention here.
okay, anyway, chinese was doing compo test. think so be okay bah..
then was science.. mrs samuel, kinda moodswingy..
then english=Show&Tell! totally AWESOME!
jasper played the violin && its was awesome!
mathias played the guitar, totally awesome too!
it was like, WOAH! hahahha.. damn cool & awesome uh.
then was recess. with... jyoti&co... hahaha.
drank only.. took few bites from regine burger..
&&, i lost 5bucks! i dont know where it gone too... saddd...
then went up class blahblahblah... went comp lab, did flash thingy.
&& mood went way down which isnt good at all.. totally fedup..
jyoti would know why.. then met lala&co..
then went to her house, played with something cool yet kinda gross.
LOL! ohyea... then left to parkway parade..
went to mac, didnt really eat. just took lala fries. hahahha.
then went to 'shop'.. hahahha. bought something for teachers day.
and later went to find lala teacher or so.. then went home with poojah.
took 31.. was msging too... hahahhaha... and kinda here i am ...
Ohyea.. Okay.. BYEBYE! hahahahahha..
ps/ Jon, things will be fine uh.. cheerup, dont sadsad de.. ;D

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