Saturday, August 1, 2009

today's a day for celebration!

firstly, its my 5th month with a awesome baby!
and its my senior, huisi birthday!
okay, let start my day!
hmms, woke up quite late.... slept pretty early yesterday,
due to my busy & tiring yet fun friday. was really tired!
then after waking up, straight msg people! funfun!
then watch tv for few hours non stop, of the same drama but diff series!
had to catch up on my shows manzx! hahahahha.
then ate maggi noodles for my breakfast/ lunch!
hmms, then watch tv, msg msg msg, and here i am.
my day is pretty boring, okay, really boring.
did nothing much already. woohooo~!
congrats to zijian for getting in the finals for pet rocket competition!
hahahhahaha. okayokayokay, bored. lalallalooooo!.
BYEBYE, if anything happens, i'll update!

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