Monday, August 17, 2009


HELLO! feeling real bad right now.
having a temperature of 39.1'C
and a real real bad cough now. headaches muchs too.
just came home from seeing the doctor, have 3days of MC.
today, went to school, took temperature, and went home.
LOL! so going to school was like a waste of time yea..
yesterday, went to watch ''where got ghost'' by jack neo.
not really that nice. wouldnt recommend it at anyone.
then had dinner with aunt,aunt & parents at the soup restaurant..
was having headache then but didnt care much bout it.
bought somethings from tamp&century square.. hahahha.
before going to the movies, was reeallyy funf.
weilin & jialin came to my house, was supposed to study,
but in the end was slacking. they reached at bout 1plus2?
then chat chat chat, watched '17again' camwhored.
then went down to market to buy potato chips and ice blended.
went back to my house, ate in the room, camwhored more,
weilin played with my guitar.. then played with hair-straightener thingy.
LOL! had lots of funnn! laughed alot. hahahahah. okay. had a great time.
they left at bout 6pm like that cause i went to the movies.[L]
then on Saturday, had quite lots of funf.
thanks becky for the movie treat! went to watch G.I JOE at E!Hub.
went with becky,jialin and khai. had lots fun..
after the movie, went to tamp with jialin.. as in, took the same bus.
becky and khai went for their training.. then went tamp mall alone,
bought some stuff then went home. ^^ hahahaha.
hmms, then reached home at bout 2plus3? cause we watched a early movie yea.
then slack slack slack in my room alone, macam emo-ing. LOL
lalalalalalla.. im very bored now.. feeling real sick.

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