Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Restless Night

HeyYohs peoples!
my blog is once again very dead, zero taggers.
had a night filled with sufferings.
woke up at 2 in the morning, was freezing then
took my temperature and it was 40.2'c
coughed like nobody bussiness. felt like fainting.
went back to sleep at 3. then woke up at 9
hell lots sufferings! arggghhh!~
ate medcine, then took temperature again. 40.3'c
then took a napp. then ate some food,
ate medcine again.. mummy wanted to bring me to hospitial...
but i said No. hahahahah. currently temperature went down,
but is still pretty high.. wont be able to go school tmr i guess.
goddamnit. pretty much dead then... hhahahhaha/
i miss peeps, LOTS. hahahah.. i suddenly have the urgh to bake.^^
like muffinss or something.. hahahah.. okay, nothing much today so.

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