Saturday, September 26, 2009

Haters? pfft.

heyyyyy! pretty nice day, mood also pretty nice.
hahahahha. so obviously, more haters for me, yay!
ohya, bout my last post, i didnt mention names,
A and E can really just be anyone, so comment all you want.
go ahead, day im a bitch or whtsoever cause i dont give a damn.
been called a bitch, flirt everything u can think of, so why would i care if it was YOU saying it?? hahahahhaha. feelling so random, hyper and happy.
obviously for some reason. teeheezx! anyway, my blog so i can pretty much say wht i want on it. so i can type my feelings and all on it, so comments? dont give a shit yea. just how a bitch would behave right? hahahhah!! seriously couldnt be bothered with life anymore. with haters, whats the point of being upset just because of them? what they hate bout me is actually wht i love bout me :D wahahhaakakakk! if you're not happy with me, or wht i blog bout, then dont read my blog, it'll just make you go bliinnnddddd!! hahahahahahhaa. im sort of GILA now yea. hahahahh. yesterday! slept @ 3 plus i think. well, around there. hahahhah. then woke up @ 11plus today. hmms.. watched tv in room till 1plus then come out of roommyyy. then used comp lorrhhh! was on comp yesterday from afternoon 3plus? tillll 1am plus....! woohoos! then msg msg msg! and sleeepppppp..... hahhahahahhaahahha. i think im going crazyyy.. hahahhahah! maybe because i have wayy too much on my mind that no one will know bout. or maybe its all the haters making me famous! which which???? hahahhahah! ahhh.. i lovee to be crazy, its would be sooooo niceee! not having to worry bot a shit in this world! just live and die! wakakakakkaka! okayokay, BYEBYEEEEEE!!!

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