Tuesday, September 29, 2009

wellll, heyyy peeps/haters!!! didnt post since saturday... hmms.. sunday.. what did i do... nothing much i guess.. used comp, ate mac for dinner/supper. talktalk on msn, then watch watch tv, sleepsleep. hahhahahaha!! monday, went school, first was chinese, did some chinese letter writing test thingy. UNCOOl. hhahahhah! then hmms.. stayed back awhile with lala and mandeep, whoah! i love yesterday manzx. specially after school. hahhahaha. was like, SO COOl!! hahahahahaha. then waited for someone, went back together, walked to mrt, took bus from there. hmmmm.. then reached home, talked on phone for a short short while. then msgmsgmsg my dearest rocker! hahahahaha. LOlll@ im damn bored now... then half way msging, fell asleep, later woke up, msgmsgmsg again, more. didnt really use alot of comp yesterday as sis doing her art... hahahahah. then chatted online and blahblahblah. then today! went schoool as usual. kinda rush uh, managed to catch my bus. hmms.. then went buy drink, finally i reached school earlier then mandeep and lala again. hmms. then went up class lorhh. thenthen... ms lim didnt come. so math was funnnff! hahaha ! then PE!, love it muchs! did my test today. hahah. frisbee. funfun! then did random passing with the BOYS! LOl. more fun to play with them then girls, then later must test idk wht match thingy, so fast finish de. EEk! hahahahhah. then went for recess early, quickly change after pe, loaned someone my pe shirtt. hahhahah... groossss yea? i dont mind uh. hahahhaha. the person also dont mind. then didnt eat. bought drink then talktalk, went locker, took books. history was boring. english was also boring, ms tan was being evil, lindsey cried for no dumb reason, weirrdddd classs~! hahahah. but @ times fuunnnnf! hahahahha. then was lit, didnt do much either. then was geog, prettyyy funnnf. jasper made me and aza laughed like helll. hahahhahha. then left bout 10 mins, ms diana went to staff room, some other teacher came in, slack slack slackkkk!!! hahahah. ended school. walked to lala class they not at there, walked back to wait for mandeep, chatted with alvinnnn! hahahah. he accompanied me wait for mandeep, then later went to second storey, syakirah was chasing hasbi, LOl. then asked alvin to help syakirah but no use.. hahahha. went off first, met lala, then went to eatttt. alvin left, left me, lala and mandeep, went for math, its like, finally i go, then darnit! i got chased out!!!! how idiotic isit?! i never go ms lim scold, i go mrstan scold. WTH@#$%!! hahahhaha. like seriously, argghhh@ then waited for mandeep with michaela @ library, saw aziz, he talked to me, said something dumb, '' didnt dance'' to me. LOl. meaning he never dance luh. ahhahaha. idk why, then said byeby as he was leaving,. hahahahaha;. then finally mandeep came, then went to ronadols, slackslackslack! chatted lots i guess. then left @ bout 4 plus. i think.. reached bus stop, saw hammond, maine and pat! hahahha. miss them luh. but didnt really talk, just a simple hi bye. hahahahahhaha. then reached home, no one @ home. im homealone again! EEk! ahhhahaha. nevermind. got freeedooommmmm!!!~~ LOL. can do anything i want. mess up the kitchen! hahahahaha. mum's gna kill meeee. hahhahahah. my mood this few days are UP & DOWN! hahahah. moodswinggs! i guess. arghhhh~@ ahhahahahaha. so darn boredd.. examss are coming! 9 more days if im not wrong. ahhhahahahah. :P

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