Friday, September 25, 2009

Kinda love & hate today.

Love the part where i laughed trucks lots.
hates the part where some ducks are so effing bias to some bytoch. its sucks okay! morning, didnt get to buy my drink as i was late and stupid prefects dont allow me to buy drinks, soooo i asked mrs samuel help me buy & she really bought it! yay! first was chinese. BORING!!! then was science, took my drink from mrs samuel, then was english, OhSoBoring! hahaha. can sleepppp... hmmpphhh! then recess, bought drink again, went to staircase slack, walked off cause tak boleh tahan uh. went back class, laughedd alot thanks to retard adli! & errol. hahahahaha. then was cme, did pw instead. went comp lab, redo my group speecchhhh! then blahblahblah. dingdong! school end, went class took books, went locker then went to the interview area thingy.. our class interview first.. then the interview doesnt rock lah. not even like an interview. more like just pure talking, then after that, find lala and mandeep @ canteen, went to ronadols to eatt. then went back school, laughheeddddd HEELLLLL LOTSS! loves this part luh. was so so so so fun & hilarious! was trying to find mandeep pressure point luh. so hard for me.. ahahahhaha.. then wait for someone interview finish, then we left school, mich mum fetched her, mandeep went home alone. i went home with ^^, then slackslackslack, @ bout 5plus? or isits 4plus? not sure, went home, reached home, bathed, laid on bed, watchh tvvv, thinks bout stufffss, then talkked on phone, cook my dinner, spaghetti,mash potatoe, meatball with cheese sauce, cook it all by my own!! yummmmyyyy~! hahahahhaha. then watched more tvv, used comp & here i am! ahhahahahah. after going ronadols, mood was good, hyper too. hahhha.upupup! before that, mood was pretty baddddddd! downdowndown!~ now... kinda hyper.. i dont know why too. hahhahahahahahha. hahahahahahha! boredboredbored!

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