Tuesday, September 8, 2009


HELLO! im kinda hyper now ;D
for no little reason im hyper uh.. hahahhaha.
i need to calm down now.. hahahahha!
was just talking to my favourite ;x hmms, lovesit.
so woke up @ 6 plus i think.. then prepared, off i go to bgps.
reuben was there already.. maine was there too ;D
then left schoool, headed to whitesand. then first match was @ 8..
fooled around with reuben & team. hahahhaha.
then treated some peeps milo. hahhaha. then also ate ice cream.
kevin treated me 'pizza' hahahhah. thanks dude. hahahahah.
then latear semi finals & alll. @ first tht the p4 no hope le.
but they proved us wrong they got 3rd.. haahhahah. Grats.
then was p5 semi, as usual high hope, only was worried bout Tk,
but we won them! woohooo whooosh! they got champion..
but this zonals had many injuries. hahahha,. take care peeps!
then later went back to school, took picture with then principle.
hahahahah. then later ate mee siam @ school yummmy!
left my purse in sch.. only founf out @ market..
went to have lunch with mr tan. i didnt eat again though... hahha
so ran back to school, took my purse. hahahah.
then mr tan treated us drinks. thanks cher! hahahahah.
then later went home first, changed clothes. then used comp awhile.
then went for netball, not as tough as before though.. hahahha.
but its pretty fun & tiring,, hahahahahha. hmmmmmmms,,,
then after netball, went home lo. bought bbt before heading home.
hahahahahha.. then showered again.. and talk on phone.
then suppose to be sleeping now as i promised someone to sleep. hahahah.
then now im using comp lo;.. hahahhaha. okayokay... BYEBYE!

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