Saturday, October 31, 2009


WOAHWOAH! haven posted since 25oct eh.. hahahaha. so sorry. dont even have readers so lazy to post. hahhahahah. hmmms.26, no sch i think.. did nothing. 27, went to school, didnt do much i think.. hahahah. prepare for learing fiesta & all. 28oct was also preparation for learning fiesta. fuinfunfun. got held back for 1hour if im not wrong. ahahahahha. naggy teachers, wht can i say? hahahahha. then on thurs, no school because its PTM, mum didnt bother to go, which means, i dont have my result slip with me:D hahahhahahaha. rotted @ home the whole time, hahahaha. OHOH! baked like 30 cupcakes or so for fridaym @ 9plus10pm, went to bedok inter ntuc just to buy more butter for my cupcakes. LOLLOL! saw weiloon and syed, busted manxz! hahahahah! thenthen, FRIDAY, 30oct, bigbig day! last day of school, learning fiesta. michaela mum fetched me, cause i had to bring tons of cupcakes and alvin present. hahahaha. then reached school, went to busted for eating in class, kena naggg again! boring! then went to ISH, slackslack, plast min prepare :D then started, stand @ booth like stupid sey. then walk around,, gave out free cupcakes :D hahahahah! then when down buy drinks. lots of times. then soon the crowd came, all primary school kids. favourite part was when i saw BGPS students. hahahahah. then pulled the crowd to my booth :D hahahahha. then then nothing much. took pictures and all. funfun effing fun! hahahahha. pictures, go facebook see eh. hahhahahah. lazy upload.
hmmms.. continue.. after the whole learning fiesta, cleaned the place then sch ended for the year. then went to locker to takes books, bag weighted hell lots. hmms, went to tamp with firdaus, regine, alvin& my darling fizah! hahahaha. hell lots fun i guess? went to mcdonals to eat first. then went to open plaza to slack uh.. we played truth or dare. funfunfun! then suddenly ihsan & co came. hahahahah. paisei! hahahahaha. then nothing much, continued playing. hahahah.. later play the playground hahahah. funfun, then hasbi joined us. then i and fizah made hasbi and alvin hell lots dizzy! hahahaha! then went into air con room. shioookk! then slack there till the security guard came and chase us out D: then went back and slack. this time with ihsan & co + faith and co too. ahhahaha. soon, they left because they went for movie, @ bout 3.30, we left, regine and firdaus left earlier. hahahahaha. thenthen, took 31 back with alvin. carried file, books and container, went to buy bbt then went home. reached home, weighted my stuff, turns out to be a total of 8KGS! woooahhhh! can u believe it?! hahahahahah. then slept, woke up @ idk wht time. then watched tv and alll. TODAY! woke up, msgmsgmsg, then listen to music, went to have lunch with mummy, daddy and sister. ate hell lots. then went home, slack in room, listen to music, then showered and prepare, left for mich house. reached there, did our mask. woohoo. then dressed up for fun. then change back, then talktalktalk, eateateat snacks, then zanye came. funfunfun! then took pictures & all. then played truth or dare at night. hahahha. funfunfun! near 8pm, zanye left, then later mandeep left after eating pizza :D then me and mich went to room and chatted, @ bout 9plus10, i left. reached home @ 10 plus. waited for bus quite long uh. hahhahaha. now im uploading pictures on facebook then i'll bo going to sleep! should be going out tmr with alvin and azrami. :D ;D ;D ;D :D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HEYYHEEYYY! Im damnit boredddd! anw, yeapyeaps, my previous post is damn wordy.. hahaahha. first thing, yesterday, happy3rdmonth darl! loveloveloves! hmms, yesterday was my totally Alone day! hahahha. boredtodeath.. hahaha. anw, this few days, nothing much. i think friday was best? hmms, school, boring, had talktalktalk then had this dance thingy. not fair! i need stand infront to dance, then i missed alvin solo part! darnit! i wannnaaa SEEEE! notfair! then after that, went to pizza hut with alvin, mich, mandeep, regine, ash, firdaus, panda and yudi.. hahhahahaha.. then after eating, went to mac with mich, mandeep, alvin, regine, panda and firduas.. then played truth or dare.. funnffunnnf! then went for netball.. TIRING! then reached home do nothing much lo... slept damn early then.. on sat, woke up @ 5plus AM! ahhhh. then msgmsgmsg, luckily got someone awake t accompany me. but @ 6plus, went to sleep again. hahahhaha. feel so bad. hhahhaha. ohokayokay. im lazyy to post.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Woahh, i didnt post for a week.. Was too LAZY to post eh, anyway i have no readers so yea.. hahahahah. lets see wht i did in the past week, from the 13-16th, all i did was exammms! so yea, nothing much. no wonder i didnt post.. HAHA.. so... on the 16th, after exams, went to mich house, changed, talk & out we went to parkway, see things and reserved alvin birthday gift;D hmms... went to popular to see what we can buy for the netball notice board.. ahahhaha. then OHOH, mandeep and mich bought witches hats for halloween. hahahha. im broke so yea.. we bought like eye mask, not those facial type, party type.. hahahah. plain types, we went mich house to decorate it and it look awesome. hahahahah. then mandeep left first, cause its her mum birthday, so yea... me and mich continued doing our mask then around 6plus we left to mandeep house. ate a little there and chatted alot. was many awkward silent moments then,. hahahaha. then left at bout 9 plus.. hahahaha. hmmms... then reached home @ around 10 i think.. hahahaha. got nagged by mum alittle.. hehehehe. then 17&18th, did noothing much i guess. hahahhahahha.... hmms... met jet, shawnlaw, zanye during these few days.. but nothing much uh, just talktalk, slackslack, spend jet's money! HAHAH! monday!19th, the most fun and awesome day so far in this month! hahahaha. finally went out and have a serious BIG TIME FUN! ahhahahaha. hmmms.... first, woke up @ 10 plus, met mandeep @ parkway, went to popular to buy the notice board stuffs.. then went to borders to met ricky and take money from him.. hahahaha. went to get alvin's gift, woohoooo, and went home to put the gift, then rushed to bedok inter to meet alvin, aishah and daniel. hahahha. daniel is like a new friend but we was in the same primary sch but he immigrated to aust, me, aishah and him was actually in the same kindergarten! but i cant remember him nor can he remember me. hahahaha. weird eh? hahahahah. anyway, we actually wanted to take bus 14 all the way to cine but was already 1 plus so we decide to stop @ tanah merah and trained instead. ahhahaha. then we went to watch 500 of summer, its a nice show but we all were kinda falling asleep.. haahahah. daniel even slept! before the movie, went to ljs to eat.. bought a combo meal and we all shared. hahahaha. then after the movie we went walking around and decide to go out of town, so... we bused to vivo! haahhaha. hmmms.... then we went to the ''roof'' first, enjoyed the view and walked in the water thingy.. then daniel did pole dancing! LOL! got a video of it. damn funny, his school in aust teaches tehm pole dancing, how cool! ahahhaha. then the boys tried forcing aishah to eat royce choco but she refused because it has alcohol in it. so yea... then somehow all came quiet. hahahaha. then went to burger king to eat, me, alvin & daniel shared fries and onion rings while aishah eat her burger. ahahaha. then later went to toy'r'us and play. hahahaha. funfunfunnn! then went to burger king again to buy drink and get the crown thingy. ahahah! damn retard eh. we wore the crown and walked around vivo, then wanted to go sentosa but was already 7plus so yea.. we went to "roof " again.. hahahaha. we sat down and played truth or dare! DAMN FUN! we dared daniel to go ask a girl for her number and he really went! so daring! then i got dared to kiss aishah on the cheeks so i did it too. and daniel also got dared to kiss aishah on the cheeks. he did! hahahahha! so aishah got kissed twice on that day. LOL! then we dared alvin to sing the national athem out loud. and aishah didnt have any dare i think.. hahahahah. hmmms! then we stopped playing , so we sat down and chat.. then laid on the ground to look @ the stars, there wasnt much stars that night. so yea... hahahaha.then around 8plus9, we left, bused 10 all the way to the busstop after my school.. haahah. told daniel how to get home and me, aishah & alvin bused 2 home. i felt sick uh.. was kinda dizzy and all.. haahhah. reached home, got nagged damn little even though i was like a hour late? i think its okay uh. hahhaha. was out of home for 11 hours that day. how awesome! then @ home, realise i got a fever. hhahahah. then nothing much uh.. hahahhaha. then next day, which was yesterday, woke up late. hahaha. cause slept late. then still had a little fever but didnt bother.. ahhahaha. went to school, went up class.. got caught by dm for wearing pe and not bringing my uniform.. hahhhaha. then was cold sweating in class. gosh! hahhahah. well, got ACCUSED of cheating, so talktalktalk to teacher, nothing much.. welll, then went to music room, checked scripts then went for recess, no, i didnt go for recess. i asked someone help me buy drinks then i was kinda trying to write my reflection thingy. hahaha. but only manage to write 2 lines! LOL! then went back to music room, checked more scripts and guess what, i only pass english, and failed sci, lit & chinese! hahaha. how amazzing! hahahaha. but i did improve! hahahahah. goodjob! haahhahahaha. then went back to class for pw, did some stuffs then lefft class early with regine, panda, ken. mathias and songjun because of dragon boating. hahhahaha. then go canteen, then later regine, panda and all came down, chatted and all. then later went to foyer to assemble then the netball girls(sec1) played truth or dare. was pretty funnf i guess. hahahaha. then later went to kallang there to dragon boat, was in the same group as nadia, kelsey, sharifah, songjun and some more peeps, dont really know them.. then yayayaya.. OHYA!, nadia and i was splashing water @ each otehr and the other groups was laughing @ us. but it was so funnn! during the end of it, the debriefing time, reuben nearly faint cause he was dehydrated. haiiyoooo! hahahahah. then then then!!,,, went to kallang KFC with nadia, tahira, azra, panda, mich and mandeep.. chatted hell lots. gossips and all. ahahahhaha! funnnfuunnnfff! ahhaahha. then took bus1o back with nadia mich & mandeep.. Chatted hell lots with nadia in the bus. funfunfun! she rocks uh! ahhaha. mich and mandeep alighted first. then i alighted @ my school bus stop, waited hell long for bus 14 or 45 to come, guess what, both bus come @ the same timing. how amzing. hahahaha. then reached home, showered and all, and i still had fever. hahahahah! then went to sleeppp! ohya! need to thank nadia for lending me 4bucks! pay u back soon! hahahha.. then slept, didnt go school today cause of my fever' and im kinda lazy too.. hahahaha. so did nothing much.. hahaahhahah! then hmmms.... went to meet ^^ just now for a short short while then yeayeaps. home again. damn boring day!! hmmms. tmr no schoool, so yea. no plans still.. monday also no school. hmmms.! ohokayokay, byeeee! the part highlighted is the part which i enjoy;D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'll miss it D:

Awwww.. ImissItD:
I'll definately miss frisbee.
Started playing it since i was 10.
Never did it fail to cheer me up. iloveithelllots.
All my years in primary school since primary 4, never did it pull me down.
Seeing all my juniors playing the game i love.
talking to them, can already cheer me up. their just so hyper @ times.
Talking to all my seniors, awesome! through frisbee,
i learnt so much, i met so much people.
life wouldnt be so great without frisbee.awww, iloveit!
i really cant believe that its gonna end soon.
Im so glad to know that more&more people who love frisbee.
those that have a passion for frisbee just like me.
Thanks mr tan, thanks for teaching and everything.

Toda.. woke up with a 'not-so-good' mood.. prepared and off to schoollk. took same bus.. then didnt talk much.. reached school. met lala and mandeep and regine.. then walk up... hmms... today was science paper. pretty hard i guess. i was so irritated by .................. just some peeps. then after paper... met lala and mandeep. went for chinese listening comprehension. quite okay uh.. hahahhaahhah.... then went down canteen find mandeep, went to cold strage then ronadols, tooks same bus as andres too, he going jenny deli. hahahah... thanks lala for the treat. then lala mum came, send me home as they was going see doctor which clinic was very near my house. hahahha. then nothing much luh.. then reached home, tried to sleep but was so darn noisy till i got so fedup so just lie on my bedd.. then msgmsgmsg, well, cried a little, im sucha !@$TY@$#%^&%#$@#. then on comp, use comp, mood was still reall bad... then got so frustrated, off comp. went to jog, i realise, whenever im feeling unhappy, exercising do help to lessen the burden or unhappiness.. seriously true eh, hahahha... just came back not long ago. jog till sweat like craps. felt so darn good. theen did 3 times of suicide. realise that im gonna be dead when training start.. AHHHHHH!! whole body aching now. neck hurt like @$#%^, shoulder, think im gonna dislocate it someday, legs, NOHOPE ah!. hmmms.... haven eaten after ronadols, hahah. goodgood. diet manxz! no luh eh. just trying to save $$$$$$! now, current mood, still kinda like shit but better. i use exercise to relieve stress and unhappiness i see. hahahah! feel so retarded. i seriously hate my health status! i wonder what if one day, i really injured myself and cant do heavy sports anymore, i wonder what will happen to me. i would be so depress manxz! ahhhhhh. dont think dont thinkk. touchwood! hahahhaha. i feel so regrettful now. AHHH!

Monday, October 12, 2009

YOHey! ohokayokay.. on saturday, @ bout 5 plus, decided to go shop. went to bugis with my mummy, didnt buy anything. saddd! hahahha. so it was window shopping instead. OHOH, on the way back in mrt, saw ms cheng,. talktalk with her while msgingtoo. ate dinner @ kampong glam, malay food. sedaapppp! hahahaah. then on sunday, hmmmmm.... sunday! what did i do.... hmmms.. stayed at home the whole day i think. met up with ^^ under blk,walked around neighbourhood, then ^^ went to talk to acap while i went to buy my bbt! hahahha. shiookkk! hahahaha. then reached home, slack slack slack! didnt study. today! monday. hmm, woke up, got ready for school. went to sch with alvin. then reached school, met regine, then went down meet mandeep and lala, then meet regine again. wentt to class together. history paper is easier then i thought.. haahhahah.. then waited for alvin class to be release then after his class release, never come find me!! evill, despite me waiting hahahha! then went to bedok inter, walked to mrt with fizah angel patrice alvin weiloon syed and others. hahahahhaa. then went to bedok inter kfc with fizah angel and patrice. after that, went walking around inter, then went back buy cheese fries. then went to play ground and slack. ahahha. then we play. hahahaha. damn childish but funnnf! ahhahahaaha. then reach home, did nothing. hahaha. slack slack slack. sooo... BYEBEY

Saturday, October 10, 2009


HmmmmmS!, didnt post since wed, so sorryyyy. so lets start from thurs, THURSDAY!, EOY started and first was english paper 1, quite easy, paper2, pretty okay too. school end at 12, went to slack i think. then nothing much already.. friday, which was yesterday chinese paper, i think im gonna fail! wakakakak. paper1&2, did like $%#^!#$%^$$#/. school ended at 11.30, went home with ^^... ^^ came to my house, we slacked at my house till like 6plus then ^^ left. hmms, watched tv, played xbox, hear music, studied and all uh. funfunfunfun! hahahahahahah. then after that, i started on my 1000 words essay,, but didnt manage to type out 1000 words, handed up my essay with only 800++ words... but the teacher still say its goooddd! wakakakakaka! today! woke up pretty earlyyy, @ bout 10 plus i think, msgmsgmsgmsgmsgmsgmsg , then talkkkk on phoonnnneeee, then later get out of my room, went to buy fooooddd, then msgmsgmsg more, then here i am, possting..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Helloooo! Opps! didnt post since saturday... sunday, nothing much really.. monday, hmms. school as usual. then tuesday, yesterday.. nothing much really. didnt go for maths, stayed but waiting for alvin, did some self study! yay me! :D then went home, then today! school as usual. sci first, mrs samuel got moodswings.. then recess, with ms ng, then went back class.. F&N, didnt do anything but talktalktalk with aikanshi, jyoti & angelica. funfunfun! we hate the same person@ hahaahaha. then was history, boring. then was pw&asembly, watched marley & me. nearly slept. but jasper woke me up. then Xk, patrice & panda cried i thnk. then stayed back studied a little, then went home, slack first before going home, slack till 4 plus.. went home, watched tv, eat, went to walk doppy, and here i am. EOY is TMR!! OMG! ahhhhhh. ohohokayy. byebye!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


heyheyhey!yoyoyo! hmms. yesterday, woke up, msg msg msg and last minute decision, went out with ^^, hahahahahha. went to vivo, then to town, in town, went to paragon, taka, cine, wheellock, heeran and ion. ahhahaha. went to look for ^^ shoe. hahaha., but so in the end, all dont have the size, ahhahahah.haahhaha. then walkwalkwalk, ate @ taka, then walk more, bought my royce chocolates! yummmyy~! then around 7plus? left for home, reached home @ bout 8 plus, pretty early still so decided to slack first. so slack under blk first uh,. then ^^ send me home, ^^ came up then ran down cause my aunt house door open. hahahah! damn funny uh. then reached home, went down again, to help bro buy food, then went home, used comp, msgmsgmsg, and watched tvv, played with doppy, and sleppt! hahahaha. then today, woke up, msgmsgmsg, use comp, ate my royce chocolates.. shared it with family :D then here i am. did my project work template. im getting boreedddd,~~! hahahahahah. cant wait, later gonna go wedding! woohoo whooshh! hahahahah. shall update later, maybe uh.. :D:D:D!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Doppy Oh doppy!

HEELLOOO~! yayayayayay! today is like an awesome day somehow, somewhat. okay, day start with a moody sleepy me. was REAL sleepyy, didnt want go school, but i did cause EOY is coming. hahaha. then during chinese, somwhow slept uh. teacher also cant do anything. ahahahh! then was sci, kept complaining sleepy to mrs samuel. she's fun! hahahah. somehow, somewhat. ahhahahahah!! hmmmms.... after that was english, gosh i hate it! buts its so important! argghhhh~~~!! then was cme, do maths instead, when school bout to end, got scolded by ms lim -.-! uncool! ahahhahahahah. then went to find lala and mandeep, waited for lala, then went canteen. studied okay! but very little uh. ahahahaha! hmms... then chatted hell lots! hahahahah. funfunfunff! hmmmmmmmss!, went home @ bout 3 plus, reached home, saw new PUPPY! WOOHOO WHOOSHHH! so super duper darnit CUTE! ahhhhh,, name" DOPPY!' my sis and bro named it uh, damn cute uh. lovesit! ahahhahahh. thats like the best part uh. HAHAHAHA! then use comp, tilll now, webcaming with ^^. hahahahahha. hmmmmms.... nothing much uh. hahahahhaha. im still very sleeppp...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Im just real bored, so upload some pictures from my phone aye,
i know the pictures aint nice or anything. just keep it to yourself aye,
unless its gooddd,. ahhahaha! ohokayokay, byebye.
Its a yummmyy lollipop! hahaha. nice aye.

Heyy! obviously, no more hate tags, deleted the old ones. no new ones aye. ahahhaha. hmmmms!, yesterday... went school, then after school.. what did i do.. ohya! had assembly. totally boring uh, leg cramp luh. tehn after school, me being a good girl, went home straight. hahahaha! hhhhmmmmmssss! then use comp as usual uh. today! SUPER weird, awkward, fun, but pretty loving it yea.. hahahah. went school, then was lit first. boring, then sci, pretty okay uh, then english, did PW instead, awesome aye. hahahahah. hahahahahah. then after schooll, stayed back with mandeep, I ACTUALLY STUDIED!! woohoo whoosh! took down notes from textbook for sci. tmr should be studying tooo. while studying was waiting for ^^ to finish his oral. he was damn fast uh. ahhahaha. then he came meet us, then he left to library studyy too, then later mandeep left @ bout 3plus uh.. then i alone @ canteen taking down notes lorh. later, ^^, fizah, amirza, adli came find me. ahhahaha. then laugh laugh uh. ahhahahaha. then walked to mrt with fizah & ^^, ahhahaha. me and ^^ slack under my block, my bro saw us!! argghhh! then later my bro went home & camme down again, to disturb us, ARGGHHH~!! ahahhaha. then they seems to click well pretty okay, leaving me alone, ganging up to disturb me, damn awkward uh. i like 'quarreling with my bro'' haahhaha. totally weird and awkward canzx! uncool! hahahahahah. nevermind, bro so good, treated me and ^^ drinks, hahahaha, then went home with bro, mum @ home too, haahhahaha. then use comp, chatted with jon. awesome. ahahhaha. nicenicenice. so today was WEIRD, FUN, AWKWARD! so with bro around, we didnt do or talk much i would say,. ahhh, so uncool uh. ahhaahha . jkjk.. hahahahahah. imiss&love^^ now. arghhh.. hahahaha. okayokay, byebye!