Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bonding time?

Hmms, have been spending sometimes with my one&only irritating brother, louis tan(: hmmms, on Friday, stayed @ home till around 7plus, then brother came home then followed him to town, ate bbk for dinner first, met maxine then follow bro find his friends then walk walk around town uh. Yesterday, Woke up @ 6, slept again, woke up @ 10, slept, 12 woke up again, then go bro room,he still sleeping so i continue sleeping uh, woke up @ 1 plus, go bro room, maxine reached my home already, then bath, prepare and went to maxine house, play with her sisters and brother, then bused 5 to town, went to lido, bought movie tickets for Christmas carol, 3D, 7.15movie, brother treated me, then walked over to wheellock place then saw bro friend, then went to bbk to eat again.. then later bro and maxine friend came to find us, then got leftover food, gave bro punk friends.. then went for the movie,AWESOME(Y)! then after movie, go find brother friends, then walked underpass to ION, go inside the huge christmas tree:D then trained back home then maxine and her sis came over too, they played with my doggy, cutteeee:D then later i ate ice creammmm, WOOHOO! so yeaa.. that pretty much what happened the past 2 days.. Today, woke up latee cause yesterday slept latee too. then use laptop, watch tv and help my mama cook lasagne(: then here I am blogging,
OhWell, thanks hubbyyy Weilinn, Chiobu Jialin, Marilyn, Jonathan, Pinchyi, Guorui & few more for trying to cheer me up and for caring:D, You all rocks(: but i'll be fine i guess. just having a rough time as lots of things have been happening..

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