Sunday, January 3, 2010

HMMMS!, Im blogging only because my dearest hubby&prettayee requested for it. so yeah.. heheheh. hmmms what have i been doing! last post was 20.09, thats longlong ago man! THATS A YEAR AGO! hahahha! lets see... On christmas eve!, went out with alvin to bugis, bought my sis and bro gifts, then later went home early,, thenthen, watch him play soccer with acap all, then around 7, went to mich house, had dinner there. took pictures, (its in facebook). then went home at around 10plus, and yeah... On christmas! i went to my uncle's house @ tamp, went there, got presents from aunt and uncle. its as awesomme! ohwell, pretty awesome. gambled away 10 bucks, chatted with cousins, a 'long time no see" cousin, 7years! well, nice chatting with him aye. hmms, slept at around 5-ish? then woke up at 11-ish? went to eat breakfast. then blahblahblah, used laptop in uncle house.. then went for dinner, yummmy!~ had 3 diff types of crabs! had, chilli, salted egg and black pepper! awesome or whatt? hahahah. then blahblahblah, had durian for supper woosh! hahaha. then went home.. then on 31st dec 09, new year eve! hmmms.. went to laguna for new year eve party, its AWESOMEE! with all the awesome food, Awesome DANCING! dance till wooosst! ahahhaha! then yeahyeahyeah, went home at bout 1plus? its was awesome larh! then yeahyeah. then sleep @ 2-ish.. then woke up at 9.30 cause mich called me,, rush, showered and went to school to have netball meeting.. only me and mich for sec 1.. haahaha. then went home at around 2plus.. then nothing uh... yesterday.. didnt do much.. and today.. I CLEANED MY ROOM! like FINALLY! goodjob!
well, BYE!

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