Tuesday, September 29, 2009

wellll, heyyy peeps/haters!!! didnt post since saturday... hmms.. sunday.. what did i do... nothing much i guess.. used comp, ate mac for dinner/supper. talktalk on msn, then watch watch tv, sleepsleep. hahhahahaha!! monday, went school, first was chinese, did some chinese letter writing test thingy. UNCOOl. hhahahhah! then hmms.. stayed back awhile with lala and mandeep, whoah! i love yesterday manzx. specially after school. hahhahaha. was like, SO COOl!! hahahahahaha. then waited for someone, went back together, walked to mrt, took bus from there. hmmmm.. then reached home, talked on phone for a short short while. then msgmsgmsg my dearest rocker! hahahahaha. LOlll@ im damn bored now... then half way msging, fell asleep, later woke up, msgmsgmsg again, more. didnt really use alot of comp yesterday as sis doing her art... hahahahah. then chatted online and blahblahblah. then today! went schoool as usual. kinda rush uh, managed to catch my bus. hmms.. then went buy drink, finally i reached school earlier then mandeep and lala again. hmms. then went up class lorhh. thenthen... ms lim didnt come. so math was funnnff! hahaha ! then PE!, love it muchs! did my test today. hahah. frisbee. funfun! then did random passing with the BOYS! LOl. more fun to play with them then girls, then later must test idk wht match thingy, so fast finish de. EEk! hahahahhah. then went for recess early, quickly change after pe, loaned someone my pe shirtt. hahhahah... groossss yea? i dont mind uh. hahahhaha. the person also dont mind. then didnt eat. bought drink then talktalk, went locker, took books. history was boring. english was also boring, ms tan was being evil, lindsey cried for no dumb reason, weirrdddd classs~! hahahah. but @ times fuunnnnf! hahahahha. then was lit, didnt do much either. then was geog, prettyyy funnnf. jasper made me and aza laughed like helll. hahahhahha. then left bout 10 mins, ms diana went to staff room, some other teacher came in, slack slack slackkkk!!! hahahah. ended school. walked to lala class they not at there, walked back to wait for mandeep, chatted with alvinnnn! hahahah. he accompanied me wait for mandeep, then later went to second storey, syakirah was chasing hasbi, LOl. then asked alvin to help syakirah but no use.. hahahha. went off first, met lala, then went to eatttt. alvin left, left me, lala and mandeep, went for math, its like, finally i go, then darnit! i got chased out!!!! how idiotic isit?! i never go ms lim scold, i go mrstan scold. WTH@#$%!! hahahhaha. like seriously, argghhh@ then waited for mandeep with michaela @ library, saw aziz, he talked to me, said something dumb, '' didnt dance'' to me. LOl. meaning he never dance luh. ahhahaha. idk why, then said byeby as he was leaving,. hahahahaha;. then finally mandeep came, then went to ronadols, slackslackslack! chatted lots i guess. then left @ bout 4 plus. i think.. reached bus stop, saw hammond, maine and pat! hahahha. miss them luh. but didnt really talk, just a simple hi bye. hahahahahhaha. then reached home, no one @ home. im homealone again! EEk! ahhhahaha. nevermind. got freeedooommmmm!!!~~ LOL. can do anything i want. mess up the kitchen! hahahahaha. mum's gna kill meeee. hahhahahah. my mood this few days are UP & DOWN! hahahah. moodswinggs! i guess. arghhhh~@ ahhahahahaha. so darn boredd.. examss are coming! 9 more days if im not wrong. ahhhahahahah. :P

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Haters? pfft.

heyyyyy! pretty nice day, mood also pretty nice.
hahahahha. so obviously, more haters for me, yay!
ohya, bout my last post, i didnt mention names,
A and E can really just be anyone, so comment all you want.
go ahead, day im a bitch or whtsoever cause i dont give a damn.
been called a bitch, flirt everything u can think of, so why would i care if it was YOU saying it?? hahahahhaha. feelling so random, hyper and happy.
obviously for some reason. teeheezx! anyway, my blog so i can pretty much say wht i want on it. so i can type my feelings and all on it, so comments? dont give a shit yea. just how a bitch would behave right? hahahhah!! seriously couldnt be bothered with life anymore. with haters, whats the point of being upset just because of them? what they hate bout me is actually wht i love bout me :D wahahhaakakakk! if you're not happy with me, or wht i blog bout, then dont read my blog, it'll just make you go bliinnnddddd!! hahahahahahhaa. im sort of GILA now yea. hahahahh. yesterday! slept @ 3 plus i think. well, around there. hahahhah. then woke up @ 11plus today. hmms.. watched tv in room till 1plus then come out of roommyyy. then used comp lorrhhh! was on comp yesterday from afternoon 3plus? tillll 1am plus....! woohoos! then msg msg msg! and sleeepppppp..... hahhahahahhaahahha. i think im going crazyyy.. hahahhahah! maybe because i have wayy too much on my mind that no one will know bout. or maybe its all the haters making me famous! which which???? hahahhahah! ahhh.. i lovee to be crazy, its would be sooooo niceee! not having to worry bot a shit in this world! just live and die! wakakakakkaka! okayokay, BYEBYEEEEEE!!!


mood WAS okay, but now, mood is BOOHOO!
thanks to arggh! dont want mention names uh.
i just cant stand people who are so bias luh.
& still make it so obvious! so ARGGHHHH!!!
so yea, my mood now like craps, feel like killing someone.
so today was nothing much, woke up, watched tv, talked on phone,
used comp and here i am, eating and blogging...
seriously, 'E', why are you so bias to her? u like her uh?
how are you even worth to be a peerleader?! u totally doesnt rocks lah
you look down on people as if you're oh so perfect which the truth, you oh so NOT! you're not evern worth to be living in this world lah! GND. go fck her upside down lah. since there is no one ealse who will be willing to let u fuck. & please, you think you're ohso big? so what if you're rich, means you can look down or insult people isit? do you even know who are the people you're insulting, do u know them inside out? i doubt so. cause you hangs out with bytoch like 'A'. being rich doesnt mean anything. you cant buy friends with ur darn money.
& 'A', who you think you are? actting oh so big , pretty, smart and everything you're so not. others might be scare of you but NOT ME! get it? badmouth people like you're so good, so loved by friends when the fact is, you're so not loved by anyone. you're just a pathetic girl badmouthing poeple to get attention. yea, you got the attention of people thinking you're just another bytoch. say im a bitch, say im a flirt, say whtever you want, but you better not cross the limit, or i swear you're gonna regret.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kinda love & hate today.

Love the part where i laughed trucks lots.
hates the part where some ducks are so effing bias to some bytoch. its sucks okay! morning, didnt get to buy my drink as i was late and stupid prefects dont allow me to buy drinks, soooo i asked mrs samuel help me buy & she really bought it! yay! first was chinese. BORING!!! then was science, took my drink from mrs samuel, then was english, OhSoBoring! hahaha. can sleepppp... hmmpphhh! then recess, bought drink again, went to staircase slack, walked off cause tak boleh tahan uh. went back class, laughedd alot thanks to retard adli! & errol. hahahahaha. then was cme, did pw instead. went comp lab, redo my group speecchhhh! then blahblahblah. dingdong! school end, went class took books, went locker then went to the interview area thingy.. our class interview first.. then the interview doesnt rock lah. not even like an interview. more like just pure talking, then after that, find lala and mandeep @ canteen, went to ronadols to eatt. then went back school, laughheeddddd HEELLLLL LOTSS! loves this part luh. was so so so so fun & hilarious! was trying to find mandeep pressure point luh. so hard for me.. ahahahhaha.. then wait for someone interview finish, then we left school, mich mum fetched her, mandeep went home alone. i went home with ^^, then slackslackslack, @ bout 5plus? or isits 4plus? not sure, went home, reached home, bathed, laid on bed, watchh tvvv, thinks bout stufffss, then talkked on phone, cook my dinner, spaghetti,mash potatoe, meatball with cheese sauce, cook it all by my own!! yummmmyyyy~! hahahahhaha. then watched more tvv, used comp & here i am! ahhahahahah. after going ronadols, mood was good, hyper too. hahhha.upupup! before that, mood was pretty baddddddd! downdowndown!~ now... kinda hyper.. i dont know why too. hahhahahahahahha. hahahahahahha! boredboredbored!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I said things that i'll never make it.
just like how i said,
''I'll forget you,'' but i really just cant.
''I couldnt be bothered,'' but i find myself thinking of it every single time.
"I dont mind it,'' but i find myself crying over it.
''Im not angry,'' but i feel anger.
"Im not sad or moody," but i feels like shit inside.
daily, I really find myself crying over stuffs like this.
A daily dose of alone time, finding myself weepings over simple stuffs.
Not being able to express my heartfelt feelings to anyone but myself,
I ask myself" wht did i do wrong?'' and it come to mind, EVERYTHING
Maybe im not good as a friend, or even just a person...
I get so troubled over this, i dont know why.
Am i fake? bogus? wht am I ?!
have not been posting daily yea.. my aunt took back her laptop so may not be posting daily anymore.. hahahahha. so.. last post was on 21 sept.. hmms..
22sept, tuesday. nothing much. ms lim didnt come school. so got this relieve teacher.. blahblahblah, geog also relieve teacher. ma diana didnt come too.. then didnt go math remedial AGAIN :D, went for netball, mood was like shit in sch, netball, WORST lah. thanks to coach. training not yet start then i use phone also wrong? wtf.. the he take my phone and still read my msg all! arrrggghhhh~! but lucky in the end he gave back. if not.... comfirm mood is shittyshit! hmms... then got what uh... went home, showered, used comp, slept for a while, talked on phone, watched tv, as usual... ahahhahaha.
23sept,wednesday/yesterday. ahhahahahah. hmms, mood in class was pretty okay i guess. then sci was fun. im starting to like sci ahahahha. but dont really understand some parts. then ms lim came.. boring. math was killing.. then got scolded like craps anyway... hahhahaha.. then school ended, stayed bacl with fizah, chatted quite much.. mood was okay then, then after that, mood wdas like craps. seriously.. then talked on phone and alll. usual thing lah.. hmmms.... TODAY! 24sept, HAPPY 2nd month to me!
hahahaahahha. hmms, then mood was damn shitty today, moody day.. hahahah. sci was fuunnn today enjoyed it lots. hahahaha. @ times was hyper. after find ms lim, then didnt call parents, craps, wanted her to call... hahahhah. then went back home after that...reached home, talk on phone, slept awhile, was tiredd... the woke up, msgmsgmsg, talked on phone again. then use comp and here i am uh... OHYEA! got selected for peerleader, need go interview tmr :O!
anws, i miss wongweilin, linjialin,huilian,grace & co, becky,jovy,wenyu too!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Heyyyy!~ Im bored... Anyway, yesterday..
Nothing much really happened.. did do anything much..
used comp, then webcamed, msgmsgmsg, talktalk on phone.
the end! nothing much seriously.. was bored to deathh!
Today! had real fun! haahahhaah.
hmms, woke up, msgmsgmsg, watched tvvv! then huilian came.
watched tv, used laptop, then pat and derrick came..
talked talked talked, laugh laugh laugh! then use more comp,
watch more tv. then we went down to market, they eat their dinner.
i drink wateer and see them eat, steall some from them hahahhahah.
then not long ago, they left.... now im bored at home alone with mummy..
tmr have school, gonna be soso bored and tiring..
have yet to do anything, SHITTYSHIT! hahahahah.. ohmy! ahhahahah.
now really damn bored.. surprisingly, didnt talk on phone today. D:
okayokay, imissmypeepsalot! ahahha, BYEBYE!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

to all malays.



heyyy... apparently, my mood this few days are crappy.
been pretty moody yet hyper both.. feel seriously like craps
so yea.. today was nothing much really...
went to tamp with sis, met my cousin, went to walk around..
then went to t1, eat @ kopitiam, then walked around.
see see things, saw sharon, then later saw jialin too,
she was with her friends.. only knew shermin hahahahah.
then walked shopped @ tamp.. nothing much.
later met aunt and uncle, went to have dinner and home we went.
hahahahah. reached home, helped sis packed her bags/
she's leavbing the country tmr. hahahah. then i can have my bedroom back!
hahahha. not that im evil, just want my roomy.. hahaahhaah..
then used lappy, talked on phone and here i am.. hahahhahaah.
glad that jon is no longer upset thanks to his church..
should i start going church too? i only want go those youth service type.
howhowhow?? hahahhaha. shoulder have been aching this few days,
not sure why.. ahhhhh! EOY coming, and im so lazy to study..
too much of a slacker? shittyshit! who want study with me?? lallalala..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Some random pictures.


hello.. today, went to school, missed my bus.
so was kinda late from my usual time. first was chinese.
pretty okay did some test, science was next, did some test by myself,
then was english, didnt do much.. then was recess, didnt eat, bought drink then went to class, then went to find some people with regine, went locker for fun, then recess ended, had math for like 45 mins plus, remaining did frogs.
then school ended, went locker with mandeep put things.. then went to pizzahut again, this time with mandeep, michaela, regine. firdaus,ash & yudi. had fun i guess. then went to buy ice cream from mac, i bought and 'creamed' regine, hahahhahaha. hmmms... then me,lala,mandeep chased the bus then teh rest slowly walking, so we reached school first, waited for them at school bus stop. then went for training, started early, trained in ISH as it was raining.
then today was pretty much slacking,.. hahahahha.
then got this new girl, veronica fong, regine fong cousin..
then played court game, got once is sec1 alone again, against upper sec.
managed to score a few, YAY us! hahahhaha. then nothing much,
as usual, coach talked to us first, praised lala, mandeep, regine, me, jessica i think. hahahah. woohoo whoosh us! hahahha, then went home lo..
anw, this few days, i dont know why, but im always moody yet hyper, so if i give u attitude or anything, ignore me uh. mood is downdowndown, yet kinda hyper @ times, i really dont know whats wrong with me luh! shittyshit! hahahah. byebye!
ps// Jon- CHEERUP!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


okay, current having some damn family meeting thingy,
effing bored, going some stuffs, Sis(s), mum cried i guess.
not me though.. hahahha. im ignoring all of the craps, ohwell, trying to..
im very fcukup now. thanks to it. damnit! haiiyooo..
OhWell, today didnt go school.. too lazy and my ankle hurts.
thanks to netball it still hurts. so argghhhhh!
then woke up @ 11plus.. then used laptop,
@ bout 3plus i guess, went to bedok inter mac to meet prettyerbabe!
ate @ mac, DUH! hahahaha. then ate happymeal with her,
the toy was superduper cute luh, but didnt take home D;
hahaha.. then later sharon came, chatted hell lots! hahahha.
had much funnnf! then reached home, did nothing much,
went to have dinner @ bout 8plus with aunt. hahahhahah..
then its now, having some idiotic stupid family meeting.
ohoh, took some pictures, shall upload later or so,
if i blogger allows me too. sometimes too lagg..

ps. hey dad, if you're reading this, STOP READING uh. its IRRITATING! you're always negative to us, how u expect me to be optismistic? just stop.

BYEBYE people!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Awesome Day, i guess.

school as usual, sci, mrs samuel didnt come. mr goh came in for her. class disturbed jasper, say is his father. then was recess. ate sliced fish noodles. quite okay uh. after that was F&N, did baking, baked cupcakes, partnered with saywei AGAIN! -.-/ so irritating luh. arhhh! then end le, walked back to class, walked pass 1f, gave sharon & alvin 1 cupcake each. so i was left with one. ate it during history lesson. hahahaha. then was project work.. but did maths for 2 period first cause no assembly. hahahah/ nearly sleeppppp. then had project work lo... got 5 minutes break in between... the got briefed and alll luh.. released late.. hahahah. then went home straight after school. changed, watched tv, msg msg msg, then went to meet grace,jialin,huilian & andres. saw meiqi and all. then slack slack, camwhored much! like hell lots! hahahahha. i love them. we were damn random luh.. then @ bout 4plus5 went home... then later use comp, talked on phone, hmms, got disturbed by bro, sis & sis. like WTH luh. so yea.. then chatted and all... use comp and just showered, now using comp & eating dinner. okay. byebye!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


so had math first. did class tesst, gonna fail it i think.
then was pe, played frisbee, half way stopped playing,
did some passing with songjun, funfun. hahahah.
then damn saywei kept cheying. threw the disc hardly at saywei, hitted him! ;D hmms, recess with lala & mandeep..
history was totally BORING! english.., went through papers..
watched some pronunciation video thingy...
after that was lit, miss yap ''talked'' to whole class.
more to scolding, so irritating luh she.. hate her!
then was geog, pretty okay i guess... hahahhaha.
then end of school, waited for mandeep for like 30mins?
damn long, thanks to mrs tan ky.. she sucks like hell lots!
then went to eat, coach came to sit with us...he went through mandeep itouch, so funny luh.. kept talking bout songs, singers and alll.hahhaha.
then went to find regine awhile.. then started netball..
ran 4 rounds, played game, one time mix, second time sec 1 one team.
did drills.. (square) got scolded, then did spuare ourselves(sec 1s)
lala& i shouted like hell.. injured, i think sprained my ankle..
because idontknow who threw the ball badly, so must sudden stop then boom, im injured! hahahhahhaha. was kinda hyper today, but also kinda moody..
hurts damn lot but continued, then limping now uh.
after netball, coach talked to sec 1s for awhile.. then home i went!
here i am, reached home@ bout 6.30 i guess... hahahhah. tired tired tired!
okayokay, pretty much it.. if u see my tmr walking, most likely will be limping! hahahah. OhOkay, BYEBYE! toodles.

Monday, September 14, 2009

me being retard&sis eating.
jialin,grace,huilian& me!

the idea was bullying jialin!
Grace,huilian & Me!


HeYohs! wokeup, prepared & stuffs, left for school
was SOSO tired luh... reached school find mich,
brought my drink, then went up to class. then.......
first lesson-Chinese, almost fell asleep, cause too hot, cant sleep.
and teacher too noisy. hahhaha. then was recess. ate, buy drink again.
then was english, okOkay uh.. then was digital photography.
took some retard photos uh. hahhahahah. hmmmmss...
after it was math! B.O.R.I.N.G! didnt understand anything uh.
then school end! stayed back awhile with mandeep, brought milo to drink
then mandeep followed me home, changed, take laptop, hmmss....
went to mandeep house, was actually supposed to meet jialin all, then they say cant make it all, then i want to mandeep house lo. then later say can meet.
so i left mandeep house @ bout 3plus.. then took bus 10 to tamp.
reached @ 4 i think. then went to find grace, jialin,huilian&xinyi lo.
then they eating, i left 2bucks, so cant eat. hahaha. boohoooo.
then chatted hell lots. then left @ bout 5.30, went to jialin house.
webcammed , shall upload later. hahhahah. hmms....
@ bout 6.20, left her house, went to blk 33 slack, then went to fetch grace sis.
went back home after that... then used lappy, lend sis used..
then watched tv, & here i am. haahaha. okayokay.
BYEBYE!, had awesome day today i guess.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


hmms. yesterday.. didnt post cause cousin used the laptop.
hmms. used comp for a super long time during the day.
around 1.15, went to bath and allll..... hahhahahaha.
then @ bout 2, went to meet me favourite,
after meeting him, went home, used comp again.
ate my sushi.yummmmmmmyyyy! then later prepared.
left for lala house. waited for bus 14 very long.
bout 15 mins i guess. hahahahah.. then reached lala house,
watched tv with her, then tried using my laptop,
but couldnt connect to the internet. hahahahha. so i was real bored.
then used lala laptop, we both used it, then checked out SAS.
so jealousof that school. lovesit can! it has like 3 pools in it. how cool...
hmms... then later ate dinner @ her house. had chicken rice i guess.
it was yummmyy too! hahahahhaha. pretty enjoyed.
then later went to park. talktalk abit. then waited for Coolretardpartner to come. then walked home with retardpartner'. shall not mention name ;D hahahhahaha.
talktalktalk then 'someone' kept laughing @ me. so evill! hahahah.
(someone=coolretardpartner, said not to mentioning names le mah)
then half way back saw mrs samuel! LOL yea?!
was like, shock uh. hahahahahha. then walk walk walk.
reached home@ 9.59pm. just nice before 10 like i said. hahahhaha.
so accurate yea? hahahahha. so used comp.. msgmsgmsg.
mum bought macs for me ;D super late supper.
then chatted on phone, then @ bout 3, slept/.
today!, was supposed to go church with dad, but i was too lazy.
so i didnt go, feeling so guilty. cause i promised him i would go.
but thanks me for being a good friend listening to someone talk last night,
i was so tired today. see, ima good friend ;D LOL. bhb me!
hmms, woke up late.. then later used comp..
then was afk for an hour i guess. hahahhaha. was helping sis out.
then here i am ;D hahahahahhahah! okayokay./.byebye!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Who will be my superman?
Whts the meaning of love?
some say' to love, is to give and not ask for anything in return.'
while some say 'loving someone is to let the person be happy'
there's so many more, which is the true one?
which one should i follow? huh? huh? huh?
okay.. woke up @ 11 plus, used comp awhile.. then showered,
and prepared, went to school pass things, then went to meet lala&mandeep.
went to pizza hut, ate there, then went to video ezy see videos loh..
then went back to sch, went for training.. hmms, ran 8 laps,
then played short game. then did square, after first set,
me& mandeep stopped, i felt damn weak that i was shivering,
mandeep was sick, now she has high fever, take care babe!
then rest, didnt do second set. then later felt much better.
play short game again.. hahahahhaha. then later break,
played full court game. funfun. tough but fun..
then ended training, took same bus as tes, edna, coach!
reached home, showered again, ate quick dinner,
used comp, then left house, chatted with my favourite..
then reached bcc, go for guitar, finished, reached home.
on comp, and blahblahblah! so sorry, but im not in the mood now.
so yea, byebye. real sorry, not in the mood.not anymore.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


okay.. today was pretty awesome i guess..
hmms, just reached home not too long ago.
woke up @ 12, slept @ 3 yesterday.. hahaha.
hmms, then woke up, used comp, chatted on phone.
ate Macaroni.. mum cooked it. yummmmyyy~~!
then mum left early as she had some training thingy.
then i was home alone... hahahahha! then @ bout 4plus5
michaela msged me, then prepared, msgmsgmsg, then waited awhile,
then lefted the house. waited for bus damn damn long..
then reached coold storage there, michaela was there already..
went into ronadols to wait for mandeep.. she came pretty fast i guess.
ate already, chatted in ronadols for awhile then went to the park
chatted more & more. hahahahah. msg msg msg. hahaahahah.
then later went to michaela @ bout 7plus? then hmms.....
chattteddd moreee @ her house. then later me & mandeep got force to stay for dinner.hahahhahahha. then hmms... left @ bout 8plus..
walked home with cool retard partner ;D know who??? hahahaha.
thanks ah. hahhaa. ohyea! thanks to mandeep for the shirt too!
hahahhaah. i love them ;D BYEBYE

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Problematic life.

Im SOOOO HAPPYYY!!~~~ hahahhaha.
JONATHAN CHUANG is back! wooohooo whhoossh!
(opps, sorry for mentioning for surname ;D please dont mind)
hmms, today! woke up pretty late.. even though i slept EARLY yesterday.
talked on phone for a short while.., hmms, then use comp..
till now. my day is really boring & short uh.. hahahahah.
yeaps. my sis & dad keeeps commenting on my facebook post.
damn irritating uh.. my life now is like damn problematic uh!
hohohohoho.. okayokay. im hyper now but no one to hyper with.
haiiyoooo,, so saaddd sia. okay.. today is my only free day
yet! im wasting it. hahahha. better start doing my work again.
im very sleepy now! wahahahahah! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
okayokay, ohya! i took the time & practised my guitar! hahhahahah.
&& ohoh, hoho, I LOVE MY DUDES ALOT!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


HELLO! im kinda hyper now ;D
for no little reason im hyper uh.. hahahhaha.
i need to calm down now.. hahahahha!
was just talking to my favourite ;x hmms, lovesit.
so woke up @ 6 plus i think.. then prepared, off i go to bgps.
reuben was there already.. maine was there too ;D
then left schoool, headed to whitesand. then first match was @ 8..
fooled around with reuben & team. hahahhaha.
then treated some peeps milo. hahhaha. then also ate ice cream.
kevin treated me 'pizza' hahahhah. thanks dude. hahahahah.
then latear semi finals & alll. @ first tht the p4 no hope le.
but they proved us wrong they got 3rd.. haahhahah. Grats.
then was p5 semi, as usual high hope, only was worried bout Tk,
but we won them! woohooo whooosh! they got champion..
but this zonals had many injuries. hahahha,. take care peeps!
then later went back to school, took picture with then principle.
hahahahah. then later ate mee siam @ school yummmy!
left my purse in sch.. only founf out @ market..
went to have lunch with mr tan. i didnt eat again though... hahha
so ran back to school, took my purse. hahahah.
then mr tan treated us drinks. thanks cher! hahahahah.
then later went home first, changed clothes. then used comp awhile.
then went for netball, not as tough as before though.. hahahha.
but its pretty fun & tiring,, hahahahahha. hmmmmmmms,,,
then after netball, went home lo. bought bbt before heading home.
hahahahahha.. then showered again.. and talk on phone.
then suppose to be sleeping now as i promised someone to sleep. hahahah.
then now im using comp lo;.. hahahhaha. okayokay... BYEBYE!

Monday, September 7, 2009


I need a dreamchaser;D my dreamcatcher is not helping @ all.
Can i not think bout things&stuff for a minute?
hmms, i want to be myself agaiiinnnnn~~!
hmms, slept @ 3am yesterday, woke up @ 7am today.
slept for 4hours! woke up, get ready, left house @ 7'50,
walked to market, bought something light to eat.. then...
went to bus stop, was damn early.. then reach school, angel was behind..
walked together. waited for franny, then saw aikanshi,
waited for jyoti&ahbil.. walked in together with them.. hahahha.
started math class. was so sleepy.. totally not paying attention luh.
then later 10, lesson end, went home.. took same bus as angel&franny.. hahhaha.
then went to buy my breakfast, something light again.. then went home.
reached home, usesd comp, then @ bout 12 plus 1, fell asleep..
didnt talk to me favourite beause too tired.. then later wokeup @ bout 4plus5?
msged me favourite then talked on phone, used comp..
webcamed with a special someone ;D so funnnf! hahahha.
then later off comp, went down buy project stuff.
bought this big board for project. reahed home, did some work..
then was multitasking alot, was, msging,doing homework, using comp&tv..
hahahha busybusy me ;D its fun & cool to multi task u know hahahha.
yay yay yay!!~ tmr is east zone! woohooo, whooosh!
goooodddyyluckk to juniors! ahahahah. i lovee them. hahhahaha
hohohohohohohohho! im hyper yet i dont have my hyper partner! hahahha.
i want me friends to come back! mandeep, faster come back! jon too!
hahhahahh! i want SCHOOL! holiday so STRESS! hahhaha! BYEBBYYYEEEE!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Im in love with the song colide now..
hahahah. its like in my head. hahahah.
im very bored... was chatting with rain,regine,firdaus.
my sis was using the laptop, she chatted with some of my friends
using me account. hahahaha.. so weirdd uh.. hahahah.
so my day was pretty okay i guess.
talked on phone with me favourite;D hahahah.
then msgmsgmsg... tehn nothing much le lorh..
my day was really boring today.. tmr have math class!
shit manxz! holidays are worst then school days.
holiday = less time, more works. how to survive?!
diediedie le ah.. still need do project sia...
i like so sleepy today. hahahahha...
hmmmmsss,, facebook.. thenthenthen.. wht did i do??
Mandeep is in bangkok now.. damnit! hahaha/
hmms, today also did.... NOTHING! hahaha.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


first thing first.. he may not read it but..
Andres pang! stay happy&cool&awesome!
Last lonq with jovy!

okay... so today was pretty fine i guess.
woke up @ 11 plus, then saw msges..
replied & fell asleep again.. till idk wht time..
then woke up, prepared & went to lala house..
met her @ cold storage as usual.. then went to buy flowers!
for her mum, its her birthday ;D hahahahaha.
then went to ronaldos to eat my lunnch+breakfast.
tehn went off to her house.. hahahah ;D
mandeep couldnt make it D; she went to wedding.
so slack slack slack! then later went to have a lonq walk.
then had dinner there again.. more relatives were there..
hahahahah. then got this cute doggy! hahahhaha.
then went to slack again.. hahahahahhahahaha!
im feeling alot better now. well, better than yesterday.
but sad thing is, Jon left for malaysia today,
he will be away for 5 days! sadsadsad.. hahahahah.
& mandeep leaving for bangkok tmr. sadsadsadsad!
so goonnnnaaa miss them! hahahahh! im very bored now.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Family? Is mine a family??
I dont think so. i feel hatred towards them.
they doesnt not rock @ all.
they ruin my life, my day.
every single day, my day would be ruined by them.
i try so hard to pleased you people, not to make you guys worry bout me,
& this is what i get?! What is up with this world?!
Thanks for the pain you guys caused to me.
you this bastard, if you're gonna slap me when my parents never ever slap me,
why dont you just kill me? you this fucking bastard.
GOANDDIE LUH! the world will be a way better place without you.
i tolerated & tolerated,& you just reached the limit, so fuck out of my life.
i dont need you, you're NOT WORTHY to be my brother.
you're just a bastard, a fucking no brainer. in ITE, think you so smart?
Eat dump uh! if you know wht is it. fcuk it lah!
why am i trying so hard to pleased this family?!?!
i tried, i really did tried & im tired of trying. so fcuk my patient with people,
so many times, i hurt myself because of this family,
this family cause me bad memories, but im was trying.
i kept everything to myself, i kept my hatred to myself.
but not today! i just told my mum bout my hatred, told her crying.
i cried for i dont know how long, AGAIN. thanks to this family again.
this family, why am i in such a family?!
how long more must i tolerate it?!?! goddamnit!
why cant i have peace @ home?! cant i be happy @ home?!


Shal post a good post first before the bad one uh.
okay. had chinese first. did compo.
listens to music while writing my compo.
hmms, then was sci!, lovesit! mrs samuel is kind,good&awesome today
no moodswings. did very light amount of work.
then she allowed me to eat sweets in class. heheheheh...
then was english, quite okay uh.. i passed my CT4,
then was RECESSS! had it with regine, chatted alot.
then went back to class, talked to ahbil, kinda like scolding her..
hahhahah. then talked to jyoti too. they have issues.
then had maths. boring but quite okay,, more homeworks for holiday.
its not even a holiday for me. must go back sch 4 days.
have hell lots of homeworks to complete. & you call this a holiday?!
hahahha. then ended sch, went to pizza hut with lala,mandeep,firdaus,ash&regine.
hahahahah. shared a meal with mandeep&lala. had fun @ there.
then mandeep treated me & lala STARBUCKS! niceeniceeee!
hahahahahah. thanks babe!went for netball.
hmms, then training was okay uh... played 'captain ball in netball shooting matter''
then need do the stupid dance thingy...then cannot laugh, some idiot laughed, then must do suicide. did 3 & most of us nearly vomit or faint. hahahaha.
we're not strong, hahahah. okayokay. im weak not others.
then play some games i think... hahahahahahah..
then training end @ 5.45pm.. heheheheheh..
&& IM THE VICE CAPTAIN FOR SEC 1! hahahahy sweeeettts@!
went home, saw ^^ @ street soccer court. ^^ send me home.
reached home, sis went out, showered& went out for guitar.
hahahaha;D. then go guitar lo. hahahahah

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Im Sorry~.

To a special someone.
The msg you saw, it really means nothing,
its was a pretty long time ago. its in the past.
Im sorry. but the thing is, i doubt myself, not you.
one thing you can be sure of, its you i love.
not him.. I just doubt myself.. i wont blame u if u doubt me.
cause even i doubt myself yea...
i dont trust myself, cause i lost my confident already.
im lacking of my confident, my faith & everything.
the only thing im very sure of is that.
my heart is set on you& i love you.


Im pretty.. SLEEPY! & ofc BORED
so had literature for first lesson.. boring oh so awesome miss yap.
she still does not rock at all luh.. iwantmrkhoo!
msging during lesson lo... hahahhah.
then was english.. mehar did his show&tell...
then went through some paper which i do not have..
then was recess. today same as 1A&D,
so spent recess with lala,poojah&mandeep! hahahah.
so.. didnt eat.. drank milo only... heheheheh..
then it was malay! me likey.. chatted with regine.y alot..
hahahahha. then watched upin&ipin again. different stories.
hahahahah.. i like upin&ipin, so cute leh. hahhaha.
then was sci.. no lab as there is gonna be prelims for idk wht..
so cant go lab...sadsad.. did some stuff in class lo.
then was math, did the gradient thingy & stuff..
then was geog. ms diana, SHE SUCKS like HELL!
hate her luh. she is a failure as a teacher. & i mean,FAILURE!
she teaches us, 10 ppl fail. mrs hawazi{sp?}, we all pass, A1 some more
thenthen, ms diana still so fake luh. say she tht my class very good all this craps.
so fake can.. we dont even listen to her lesson... hahahhahaha..
then end sch ^^ went to locker.. then talk talk to lala awhile..
then went to library to find fizah&reginefong.
then went down to bookshop. bought stuff, then ate burger..
after eating, went back to library. then gastric like hell.
hahaahah. now still have gastric, just not as pain as earlier on..
so i didnt do much.. fizah&regine fong did most thing..
i went back first as i was in alot pain. someone accompanied me home.^^
then reached home, no one @ home. so home alone..
mum just reachhed home. hahahah. && hello! im here! ;D
Im still having this strong feeling that something bad is gonna happen to me..
Just wht is it?! i hate this feeling much.. god damnit!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hunger strike? hahah

wahahahha! im once again,VERRY BOOREEEDDD!
so today had chinese oral, preetty easy i guess,
was quite nervous at first, but later not so le..
hmms, then before that... let me think...
had science= mrs samuel & her moodswings,
but she's quite good to me ;D. hahahhaha,
then was recess, didnt eat at all.. was in class the whole time,
redo my mindmap, copied info from jyoti, thanks.
then was F&N, managed to complete my mind map..
so im just gonna do a food pyramid for my poster thingy,.. hahahah.
then was history.. went through some stuff,
not sure wht cause i was doing other things like chatting;D
then was project work, went to comp lab,
complete the flash thingy.. totally screwed lah...
thanks to certain peeps. but forget it.. no chance to do anything anymore.
thenn assembly, continued doing pw, hahahh..
then later went to locker, put books then went library,
did my lit test, so gonna fail it i think.. totally rushing uh..
then do finish, went for chinese oral... so basically,
I didnt eat for the whole day!!! so.... just reached home, not long ago.
ohyea, in hall during oral, my classs was like the noisest uh. so funnyyyyy...!
so yeaps.OHOH!&&, thanks lala for the 'ed hardy' shirt, loves it!
shall upload pictures of it!! ;D! i loveit, niceniceee....
shirt on me. DUH!
shirt back.
shirt front again..
the shirt front side,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sec1s&2s with an extra steven! ahahh. just jokin.

HeYohs people!
im verververy borreeddd!
today, woke up @ 10plus. pretty early for me..
went down market buy A3 paper, market & breakfast/lunch.
bought my yummy nasi lemak for breakfast/lunch.
then went home, talked on the phone, msg & tv i guess.
or was it comp, either way, still real bored.. hahahha.
then later use more comp, chatted on phone again, diff person uh.
hmms, did my f&n work. did my mindmap&draft thingy..
Errrr.... used more comp, watched more tv..
&& msg msg msg!!! hahahahaha. mood was pretty okay..
at times, was feeling down, and times, hyper. hahahha.
then facebook alot! hahahah. then at bout7plus8pm, went down market with sis.
she treated me BBT just cause she wanted me to accompany her.
hmms, then came back home, then continued using comp.
chattchatt on msn, facebook again.. hahhahah.
then also talked on phone ah... hahahhaha.. lalalalal.
now so bored, but kinda hyper. but im aloneee... hahaha.
tmr must go school le, damn bored can! hahahah.