Friday, July 31, 2009


today was pretty okay... except the fact that i ***** in class.
guess whts the ***** means.... LOl... lalalalalala....
first lesson was chinese, quite boring~~~~!
then was science.... was hungry lots, mrs samuel gave me sweets...
hahahahahahh..... then was english , boring uh........
then went through our CT paper for english, i passed!
then recess!, yummmyyy~~~! had mushroom soup, really yummy~!
then had CME, went through some stuffs!.. blahblahblah!
then school ended, went home, hmms, pandora, kendra,jessica and sharifa came my house,
they loves my room! wahahahha! thanks thanks. then went to eat! yumm yummm1
saw baby huiliannn and Xinyi! wooots! lovesthem!
then went to back to school. then went ISH, played bball. funfun!
then later went for netballl, nearly faint, like seriously.. LOL!
then muscle suddenly damnit pain, like couldnt run. LOl
then did passing with medicine ball, then normal passing.
did square and all! quite okay uh.. then later run again,
warmed down and i stay to wait for my dearest EDNA!
hahahhaha. saya macam GILA! LOL.... hmms,, hmms,,
hmms, went home, bathed, eat very little, went for guitar.
reached early, so waited. then had my lesson
quite okay uh, the teacher gave the class all a guitar pit.
then finished, when walking back. had a suprise manxz!
i saw shafiq and another dude, shafiq look funny with his hair.
hahahahha. but happy to see till him! hahahaha.
then today also saw till taufiq! hahahah. he changed his number again lah.!
so took his number blahblahblah! that was before i went back to school for training.
then reached home at bout 9pm? on my lappy and started using till now.
hmms, was super multi-tasking! funn funn funn funn!
was chatting on msn with 3 peeps,talking on phone and watching TV! hahahahah!
then ERMS!, did nothing le bah.. now posting! ahahhaha. okay.
kinda loves today, bybye peeps!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How am suppose to stay strong when things are so aganist me?
What am I suppose to do that will make everyone happy?
I aint a perfectionist, i cant pleased everyone. but I try, i really do try.
But, is it helping? is it working? Whats right and whats wrong?
how am i suppose to make all of you people happy?
Cant I live life my way?!? must I really live it for other people?
I just want things to turn out right. but its not happening!
just this week, i really felt like slashing lots of time,
but I promise some people that I wont. so im trying not to!
I really wonder who I can trust, i really feel drifted apart from everyone.
from all my friends, sigh.. who understand me?
who can related to me? who can I trust?
my mind is just so filled with questions, question marks!
i dreads going to school just cause my my classmates. certain ones.


yeaps, i posted some pictures, look unglam and all in them.
keep it to yourself unless its a nice comment! LOL.. im damnit bored
this few days mood are like god damnit uhs.
so just ignored me if i show my attitude or anything yea.
hmsm, today had litereture, miss yap, she DOES NOT rock at all!
then was English, did a Oral practise, had to write things bout
'' i am proud to be a singaporean because....''
but lindsey(hated/freak) in our class wrote bout
'' why i am NOT proud to be a singaporean.''
whole class as offended by her uhs! big time manzx!
then later was recess.. ate with lala, mandeep and poojah,
somehow felt kinda left out? macam not close uhs.
okay, then was mother tongue. had malay today.
saya cinta malayu! LOL! hahaha. im random now uhs..
then was science, did experiment , good good!
then was math, boring. went through maths paper, hahhaha.
hmms, geog, Oh So Very BORING! then lalalalal.
finish school, stayed back awhile with fizah... talk talk uhs.
then went home, msg ^^... then later reached home, use comp, eat maggi mee
and green bean soup. YUMMY~~! then post pictures.
facebookfacebookfacebook! and lalal, here am i posting!
hahahahha. seriously, bad mood this few days.
felt of slashing but didnt cause i promised ^^,fizah, keith, and few more..
but i doubt they actually will know if i did slash... seriously turned off man my mood uhs.
thanks to certain people! like either bastards or bytoches.
forget it uhs. no one really care bout me anyway! hahaha........
hahahahha! im bored so decided to upload random pictures yea...
okay, i know i look soso unglam and all in the pictures! just dont care bout it uh.
hahahah. okok. bored bored bored...

the sari i wore to schooll!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


today was my school racial harmony day celebration.(belated)
hahahahah. wore pe to school, change in school.. needed help mah.
wore sari. aikanshi also wore sari. funfun! then went in class LATEE!
everyone turned back and look at us, immediately, some byotches bad mouthed,
know who you are youreslf, bytoch.. okay, so yea, darnit hard to walk in the sari.
hahhahah.. then saw vanessa, and all, nicenice! they darnt chio luh!
saw sharon too, very chio canzx! took pictures.
forced fizah to wear her malay costume, hahha, she wore it in the end!
hmms, recess, pretty okay? hahhahah. then was history, went class late again!
hahahah. then was PW/PG, project uh.. then went to comp lab, learnt bout 'flash'
funfun way darn fun! amirza is a gila joker manxz! darnit fun lah!
then he keeps making me laugh! ahhhahah. sat beside him thats why.
hmms, then was assembly, had it in comp lab too..
watched the maria hertogh video AGAIN! i in primary school watch before le mah..
hmms, then did a crossword thingy... must hand up sia,. lazy do canzx!
then stayed back with fizah, talked lots bout things.. then gave her a shocking new too!
hahahahahha.! then saw casper, he actually didnt know it was me... hahah
then he kept like, looking for better vision uh, then he realise it was me.
then changed to pe, ohyea, ate lunch in schooolll! hhahahaha.
then later walked home with fizah. ohyea!, saw jon in his costume too!
look good btw, hahahhah. didnt see keith leh.. saw imran too! hahahha.
and hmms, the 1G guy, not sure bout his name. so sorry, but he also wore his costume, nice@
then saw sharull and more uh. all look great! hahahahahahaah.!
got this girl wore kimono, darnit nice lahzx. ''jealous'' LOL!
then yea.. walked home with fizah, she walk to mrt, i walk all the way home! woohoo!
hmms, then reached home, used comp, talk on phone awhile.
msg msg msg. facebook-ed too/ gna facenook again uh..
then here i am, posting! for my readers if there is! hahahahah.
so today was pretty fine excepts the bytoches part,
i think its gonna be a daily thing for me to be fedup at bytoches.
ps// thanks all for the compliments! lovesya! shall up load photo later!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


today is kinda bad! dont like it lah.
ask those bytoches fcuk their family upside down lahzx!
bloody hell, the better watch out manzx!
i have a limit to my tolerance level manzxz! fcuk it bodoh!
beside those bytoches, things were pretty okay?
hmms, was pretty moody in class, so yea....
then hmms, had math,english,dance,literature and geog..
damnit boring lahzx the day! then didnt go netball cause of my mood.
then saw panda all on the bus, the went to my house the market there eat.
accompanied them awhile then they left for netball, i went for frisbee,
thanks matt for imforming me much! went frisbee and my moody changed!
straight away laugh already lahzx. thanks to juniors.
loves them muchzx! hahahaha. then later chat with teachers in bgps all.
had much fun there. lovesit, never fail to cheer me up de!
hmms, then later stayed awhile more in school alone,
really ahd lots of flashback momeries!
really misses the past, wanna relive it much canzx!
okay.. cant wait for tmr, hopefully it will be nice and good and enjoyable! loves!
just came back from dinner with bro,sis and mum. dad working mah
okok. loves, byebye

Monday, July 27, 2009


hello! ahloha! Ni Hao! =)=)=)=)
im very happpyyy noww! just came back from meeting someone!
Lovesitmuch! i wanna meet the person again!
hope to talk on the phone with the person soon!!!
okay,, today was kinda irritated and happy! hahahahha!
quarreled with someone, my class peeps would know! hahahhaha..
hahaha., okay... hmms, today, had 3 period of chinese first.
quarelled quring chinese.. hahhahahhahha. funfun
total slack lah! then was recess... had it with panda! lalalalalal....
talk talk uh.. saw casper. hahahah. then later recess finish.
english... 1 period, lucky uh,... dont like english uh. very boring...
then later was movie making! damnit fun lah! haahhaha!
went to class, did filmed scene 1&2.. haahhahah. was totally playing a fool..
then later was math! 3 period, can die uh.. but didnt! woohooo..
damnit boring during math,,.. then end of school.. stayed back with poojah,
then she went for her detention.. leave me alone in canteen...
saw jonathan, gourui and chunhua, jokers uh them..
then later wait for poojah, went up staff room find her..
then later followed poojah to help her frineds buy drinks. blahblahblah
hmms, i smack qiming! hahaha, even though i dont know him.
he damnit irritating canzx! hahahaahha! then smack till quite light but he in damn much pain. kept laughing at him uhs. FUNNY~~ must be thr to see.
hahahha. then later went home.. reached home, on comp.
chatted with ^^ online first, then later talk on phone.
then went down to meet someone lorh... okays.
then home sweet home. ate my dinner, early!~
then tada! im here! hahahahah. damnit happy now canzx!
huggs&kisses, byebye!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


hehey alll! okay, so yesterday was fine..
chatted with ^^ till the wee hours. loves it!
then later slept bout at 1plus am...
ohkay, today,woke up at 9 plus am, see msg, reply and sleep again.
sleep till 11plus, then bathed and eat, then walked to tanah merah MRT,
meet azaria, panda there. deb came, walk to deb house(bedok court)
then talk talk first, then later winnie came, did our movie making mindmap
doing bout 'integrity', then slack lots too! like really slack alot!
then later went to eat, went to market there, eat ' do n me' western food.
yuummmyyy~~! then later eat fried ice cream, yummy again~!
then later walked back to deb's house. then later continue to do movie making...
then used comp, and laughed quite much? then panda went for her piano after we eat.
then later she came back... hahahhaha. she was lost. but soon found her way back.
then finish doing, winnie went home, then later slack more.
then i went off first, then later the rest went home.
really bonded much with deb and all... had much FUN! loves it!
then now im home, really bored. im soso happy today canzx!
okay, i uses way too much then , always then then then... hahahah
hmms, i want to talk to someone on the phone! anyone also can! LOLs!
im OH SO VERY BORED! hahahha.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hmms, didnt post yesterday till due to lack of time
and a word called LAZINESS!
LOL! okay, hmms.. yesterday, had netball.
i went for training but i didnt train at all! total slacking time!
hmms, didnt train as i was injured, cant do sports for a week,
so yeaps..... okay, then i help out during training loh.
okay, school time. chinese first. went through paper.
got 15/20. failed by 5 marks, didnt expect to pass it anyway..
then was using handphone the whole time! ahahhaha.
hmmms, then was science, did sci workbook. blahblahblah.
then was englishh, ms tan wasnt in good mood?
hmms, recess, alicica didnt come so recess was with shihui and verona.
nice nice.... then, hmms, went up class. wait for class to start.
CME, loveit! did bout honesty and all..
ken,azaria,jasper,adli,mathias, i think thats all, actted some things.
damnit funny. whole class was laughing much! hahahahaha.
then end of school... lala and mandeep went home first.
so slack in canteen with poojah. then later panda come find us.
then regine come uninvitedly to sit with us.
we were all like wht the hell? who want her sit with us sia..
then later i saw rain, ask him sit with us awhile..
then rain go take my bag and phone. took back from him..
then i was playing with rain much lah, then regine walked off.
then rain followed her, and regine cried... im pretty sure she badmouthed me again.
she only know how to cry in front of guys for attention. many people agree with that.
okay, yea, whatever bout regine. she could just die and i wont really give a damn,..
hmms, then chat lots with poojah, then dont know -whr the soccer boys went.
i go see alvin bag, hahahah, for fun uh.. then later went to cold storage,
thanks panda! for the M&Ms. ahahhaha. then we were like pathetic manz!
in the end after buyings stuffs. poojah didnt have enough money to take bus..
so we called lala. and she came to our rescue. hahahaha!
then later chatted more bout bytoch... hahahah
then the soccer boys was back in school.. poojah need money to go home,
and i needed money to buy water and just nice, all of us were broke!
so i had to borrow from alvin, and lala and mandeep was 'chey-ing' around..
then the soccer boys was also doing the same. disturbing me... so evil lah
then went for training... lalalala.... then training end,
went home, took bus 45. hahahhaha. went home, on comp, use awhile,
bath and out i went for guitar lesson. saw huilian,xinyi,patrick & their friends all walking.
then just say hi lorh, i miss them muchs! then went for guitar lorh.
learned to twinkle twinkle little star. LOl! then gonna learn 'im yours' the song.
hahahahah. coollllssss! then reached home, on comp, chat chat chat. facebook.
and msging ppl too. ahhahahahah. then later talk on phone uh....
loves chatting on phone! then later hung up. continues chatting online.
then lalalalalalall! hahahah. then hmms, went offline, watch tv and slept!
I HEARTZX 24.07.09 muchs!

TODAY< woke up, on comp, chatting online, facebook.
and, here i am posting/blogging. hahahaha. okay, maybe will update later?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

quite a good day.

Hehey Heyyo!
im like really bored therefore im kinda lame...
hahahaha. okays, today, i went to schoolll...
hmms, laugh quite lots. cause of jasper and all..
hmms, leg was in pretty much pain at times.
but tahan/tolerate lorh. nothing i can do bout it...
okay.. then had literature after that was english.
ms tan in quite good mood again. laughed lots during english.
hmms, then recess, together with poojah,lala,mandeep&panda.
eat some rice with fish & egg. yummy much!
......then drank milo too! wahahahha...
hmms, then was MT, today is malay lesson.
chinese teacher today abit sotsot! ahahahha.
then blahblahblah. then was science, went to lab..
did experiment bout pressure blahblahblah!hahahha
quite okay uh. then was maths. quite boring but still fine.
after math was geog,for 1 period only. teacher didnt come again!
woohoo~! mr ara{sp?] came again.. funfunfun! went to locker
then to the toilet and back to class.. talk talk with panda uh..
was talking bout someone lorh... quite obvious lah...
okay... stayed back with mandeep. accompanied her to eat.
by that i meant, looking at her eat. saw alvin,
ask if want go back together, so yea, we did.
with muhd, chat chat chat uhs. then yuanxi told me some stuff.
thinks its really fake? unsure... hahahah.
then she thought me and alvin, u know u know. ahhahah.
but we're not! we're just really good/close friends now. hahahahha
okay.. ohyea, alvin classmate kept disturbing me lah..
once again, nothing i can do yea.... alvin walked with me to my block
he had to alight at my house de bus stop mah.. hmms,
then saw jianlong,yangheng and another guy..
okay. so said hihi' all this, wave wave all lorh. ahahhahah.
so... hmms, reached home, watched tv, now, using comp, posting!
hahahahhaah.. im really really bored!

now I really kinda realise, times really do flies way too fast.
too fast for me to learnt to cherish things or people round me.
time flies to fast, so cherish the moment now.
dont take things for granted too much..
there's never enought time for a person.
always wanting more, by humans nature,
making us forget the good things bout life.
being able to live another day, may seems to be a torture at times,
but, there's so many people fighting, killing just to live another day.
many lives are lost in a day, so, somehow, its luckly we still have our lives with us.
just think bout the people round us, who care for us.
who loves us, protect and cherish us.
'time' now, to me, is way too precious to loss it.
i know that life aint gonna be good for me,
but when i think boutt my primary school life,
i somehow feel, I'll get through it. with helps from friends and all.
Its time to start cherishing, and not forgetting the good things bout life.
yea, ii know, kinda/really random, but this is like what i kinda feel now.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

really bored!

okay, whole day at home! sucha goodgirl!
hahaha, gave school a missed today, leg was in much pain.
at first thought i just injured my left ankle but.......
went to see doctor, i actually injured my whole left leg...
im such a pro lah. injured till whole leg uhs....
okay, injured because yesterday over-strained during training...
my mummy nagged at me, saying i always after training sure injured de.
but.. quite true too.. hhahahahaha... so i got no comments! hehehehh..
okay, woke up at 10plus in the morning, went to buy breakfast & lunch..
hmms, hep dad bought breakfast on the way.... im sucha good daughter. hahah
okayy... then use comp after eating.. then watch tv, and msgmsgmsg, use comp again
4plus in the noon, went to see doctor lorh... and then check check,
realise injured whole left leg uh.. 1 week no sports for me,
means, no training, no dance for pe too! hahahahahah.... kinda happy uh..
okay.. injuring myself has become like my weekly routine already.. ahahhaha.
its like, every month sure kena injured de lah! suay lots! hahahah
okay.. then then, come home, use comp till now lorh...
hmms, nothing much happened today.... ohyea, congrats to BDS soccer boys!
hahahahha.. random uh me... okay.. buhbye!!!!!
ps..someone getting on my nerves lots lah!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

i hope she still rmb it

Happy 6th Month DEARIE!
You should know who You are if you're reading this.
All i can say is, i feel like we're drifting apart?
but no matter what, forever my DEARIE,
hopes this goes the same for you.....
&, I LOVES YOU Much!

Dead Beat!

okay, today was mine math and chinese CT,
math was prettty easy, chinese was HARD!
i think im gonna fail chinese and pass math somehow.
okay, had history,english and geog lesson today,
ms tan was in a pretty good mood today, but she dressed like#$#%#%!$%^&
hmms, goeg, teacher didnt come, woohoo. mr ara{sp?} took our class.
funfunfun!!! i skipped 30 mins of class, with panda & regine -.-
okay... then talktalk to huixian,jingyi all uh.... then ding dong!
school end le, went to eat, ate wanton mee, yummmmyyyyy!
then hide from coach.. then later we to library slack first
before going for maths remedial,.... quite dumb uh the remedial..
then me and mandeep went off first cause of training,
training is KILLING! quite ots of people felt like vomitting.
some even did vomit.. kinda ewww... okay.....
then training till like %$^$#@!!! felt giddy at a point of time...
hmms, training ended at around, hmms, 4.30 plus?
okay...stay while longer to chat.. ermserms,
then then, took cab home with regine, she longbang me thats why....
then reach home, use comp, bath, and here I am!
currently, my ankle hurts like nobody bussiness,
true enough, nobody do care so duh,. nobody bussiness lah...
okays, readers,(hope thr is) please tag?
not reading but passby my blog also tag. hahahaha
im lammeeee.. im boreddd. im in painnnn!!!! hahahha..
okayokay~... BUHBYE!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


okay, today, went school quite early, reach at 7.10, around there.
but in the end, went up class like 7.20 plus,
because i decided to be a good friend and waited for mandeep and lala..
hmms, went up class, almost no one was ready for history, including me!DUH!
okay, first paper was english, had summery, for me, not enough time uh.
then rush to finish it before teacher collect.. after the paper was recess..
only drank milo, kinda revised with poojah,mandeep and lala..
was talking craps mostly.. hahahaha.. then history paper, I DIE already uh.
hmms, then after paper was normal timetable.
had movie-making instead of photography for me boohooo...
we were divided into 2 groups, as usual, odd&even.
so yea, im in movie-making, kinda dissapointed uh... but, whatever.
hmms, maths, did nothing much. did some constructions thingy..
then hmms, end of school. stayed back to accompany alicia..
followed her to her science remedial class.. hmms, ended le then...
went to alicia house slack... played bball, just shooting.
then talktalk, used comp and home i went.
okay. came home, no one was at home, so i was home alone...
thenthen, home alone for hours! then use comp, started msging ppl
and asking if they have mathematical set to lend me. apparently, none have!
im so dead for tmr maths! hahahaha! okay, im going berserk! GILA u know!
okay, then sis call, met her for dinner at market...
eat jap food, yummy.. just came home. have yet to find a mathematical set!
okayokay, im so bored now! buhbye!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Entertain me?

Someone please ENTERTAIN ME!
LOL!!! im very bored now..
currently, im still screwing things up BIG TIME!
sigh.... today isnt a very good day.. feeling, quite down somehow.
okayy.. i feel like my friends are drifting away from me,
gone for good maybe? hmms, aint a good time to post yea?
okay, tmr is my CT exams, yet, im here slacking the whole day!
i really think im gonna drop to NA next year!
okay.... getting surprise tags this few days. hahahahah.
okay,,, i seriously dont feel like myself now.
i wish things would be better but no~ its not.
well, somethings are turning better then before.
i cant wait for tmr AES, gonna do digital photography. cant wait!!!
i love photograhphy!!! okay..... random much? been on facebook for a long long time.
i should stop slacking now and start studying for my End Of Year man!
too slack already sia... in class never pay attention except sometimes.
out of the sudden, im close with eva? quite uhs..
and im really bored! i miss chatting with a few people.
i wanna meet jialin,weilin,becky,wenyu,jovy,huilian&more!
i miss thems lots! i miss talking on the phone with few people too!
torture is coming back next week,-NETBALL training.
but, not going on tuesday as for some reason!
Tmr is so gonna be a damn boring day! no one can stay back!
@#$%^#&@$#%^!!!! blahblahblah!! BUHBYE!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

okay, been doing nothing much..
woke up quite late... then msg,msg,msg
used comp, chat chat chat, then later watch tv
and here i am.. posting first. going out soon
okay, okay,, i screwed things up AGAIN!
im really sorry.. i just dont really know my feelings now.
way too many things happening now yea...
feeling quite down... sigh.....
cheerups me! and must learn to stop screwing things up

went to dinner, quite okok lah..
not very nice, okay.... keep msging..
not chatting with eva&leslie.
boringg!~~.. nothing much to do....
apparently, i think casper is playing his DOTA..
so one person less to talk to... im really damn it bored!
someone please entertain me???????? LOL..
im surprise that someone will tag me, hahah,way surprise lah!
now quite hyper.. hahahah.. lalalalalla. byebye!~

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Random much?!

okay,,, yesterday,, gave schhooll a miss,
just of pure laziness & bodyache,... so.. stayed at home, slacking the whole darn day,
hmms, BORING~~, so darn bored at home lorh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TODAY, hmms, long time before recess time.
first lesson, CHINESE, BORINGGG~.. then was SCIENCE,
went through class test paper... then ENGLISH, BORING TOO
almost slept... hmms, then, its RECESS!!!~~~!!!!
ate mushroom soup, and drank milo! hmms, the CME is MATHS,
can sleep lah! stupid cher, gives so much homeworks!!!
then after school, went to lala house, she changed then off-ed to mandeep house
then trained and eat and slack. then bus-ed home with poojah..
reached home at bout' 5.30? then used comp a while.. then showered
& off-ed to bcc for guitar lesson! quite hard.. keep talking to this malay girl
sec 3, bedok town sec. sorry, dont know her name....
then practise and end le, 1hr only.... then..................
ohyea! went home alone, damn dark at some point of time,then hmms,
msg people:leslie,rain,casper,michaela&& EVA
weird... i know... we just suddenly talk!hahahah
then bought my dinner, yummyy~~~
then home sweet home, used comp straight! now chatting with eva! LOl!
random much? so much lah! just now facebook playing poker!
yea yea, buhbye!~!!!!!~!~!@~$#%

ps// hey small girl, dont come crying to me lah! u think i care alot uh? GND lahs!
stop wasting my precious time can?!?! fook off bytoch1

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


hmm, yesterday, went to school with badd headache.
hmm, after school... went to parkway with mandeep,poojah&lala
ate subway, thanks lala for the treat. hmmmmmmm,
then later went tofind present with poojah, she buying for someone.
then then, we left lala and mandeep, later met up again..
then went home as mandeep needed to be home.
took bus to bedok inter with poojah,
from bedok inter, walked all the way home. walked through BCC,
saw hammond, shuyou they all playing bball, dont think they saw me.
hahahahha... then reach home and blah blah blah..
today!, then math was first period, oh so boring...
then after was PE, darn dance. then half way i think,
regine came and find me to go see DM, then DM is so #$%^%#$@
talked to her nice tone, cant hear, then i increased my volume, she not happy.
so darn stupid lorh.. then later sharon, suyin was there too..
then we pretend to say sorry all, & went for early recess!hehehe..
then waited for lala, mandeep&co to come down.
then went to recess, didnt eat, only drank milo.
then saw sharon,jiale&suying then we chat awhile.
then went up to class... hahahahheheheh........
then after school, waited for mandeep.
waited for her for like 30 mins-1hr!
thanks to mrs tan , their math teacher. so idiot lorh...
then practise shooting for 10-30 mins.
then jet and shawn keep asking me borrow them money...
so borrowed them 2 bucks. heheheh... then its home
went home, took same bus as sharon &suying. see them lots times.
hahhahahaha.... now boreddd....okay, been feeling better since my last post.

Monday, July 13, 2009


why is it everything that goes wrong, people balmes me?
is it even my fault? why must you people always push the blame to me?
GOSH! you said, ' why dont u get out of the house or die?' didnt you?
fine, if u want me dead so much, if u thinks im a burden, im at fault.
sure, whatever, you'll never know how much i did for this darn family,
yet, you people blame me for everything. u people dont know how
stressful it is to live in this family, to tolerate this family!
no matter what u guys did, i tolerated it, but now, its way too much!
how many times i though of dying because of this family?!
how many times i cutted myself for this family &
no one ever cared for me, not one from my family?!?
all u guys do is make me breakdown, make my feel so much to die.
you think i want to be part of this darn family, well NO!
im so envy of my friends, they have silbings who care,
family which are oh so close together! but not for me!
i always act cheerful but am i? no ones really know how i feel..
how much i dreads going to school, just because i have to pretend to be someone else.
how much i hate going home, just cause i need to see my darn family.
why cant any one understands what im going through..
how much must i go through before things change?
how much must i suffer for this life,this family?
i know, my the youngest, the biggest age gap amout the family,
but must you people gang up aganist me?!?!
so many times i felt like taking a darn knife and stab myself cause of it.
so many times i felt like running away, but i tolerated all this craps !
you may hate me, but. this aint the ending, its just the beginning.
just watch me, one day, you people are gonna regret,
for the way you guys treated me, for everythings you guys did to me!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

dead bloggy.

im like updating for spirits to read.
hahhah.. boredddd...
so today, hmm, woke up late, real late.
then watched tv, went to pass someone thing &
i have been using the comp now for more then 5 hours?!?!
woah, my eyesight is gonna be bad.. hahahhah
i have been way too lazy to post.
okay, my wound is healed, its damn fast lah.
okay, yesterday was kinda a funny,angry&weird day.
went to school, blahblahblah.. didnt stay back, good girl(!)>.<
okay, came home, rested, watched tv, then went to bcc for guitar class.
no money so must learn from bcc lah.. im poor...
but in the end class was cancelled & the stupid guy didnt tell me.
made me wait for like almost 30 mins!
then went to bedok inter with mum, caryying my guitar.
everyone was looking at me with a' why is that girl carrying a guitar' look
then bused bus14 to blk 85 to buy dinner.
then went home, eat eat & use comp. ohyea,
and suddenly a person msged me & i dont know who is that person.
but that person is from my sec sch.. weird..
thursday, had malay lesson, talk bout malay food, clothing,religion&culture
i gave lots of the answer woohoo,
then my classmate keep saying why suddenly i so good.
LOl... then blahblahblah... after school, stayed back with lala,mandeep& poojah
lala*poojah got detention. thenme * mandeep went to practise shooting.
quite ok lah my shooting, mandeep shooting is power.
then later i help lala with her maths questions then later went home.
ohyea, saw jonathon, i think his whole class tio dentention,
but his is by DM, lala is by teacher, then i walk pass saw him,
he also see till me, and i was laughing at him.. he was like
doing hand singels asking me what. then i also do back to him,
then he do twice,& i was still laughing. ahhahaha.
then later mandeep kena DM for her uniform.
i was like hiding behind friends from DM, mandeep tried but DM saw her.
hahahah. unlucky lah mandeep, hahahah.. then after that was 'home not so sweet home'
hahahahhah.... okay, cant remember anymore stuff.... byebye

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


not really in the mood,
i dont even know why im posting,
no ones reads my blog anyway...
today, went to school..
first lesson was science, boring, went through the same things.
almost everyone wanted to sleep except thoses guaikia.
then after science was recess, was sitting with jyoti&co till regine came & irritate us.
couldnt get rid of her, then i only drink ice milo, went up class & went back to canteen
to buy bottle drink. then went back up lorh.. then was D&T,
im lost! didnt know how to do, cause now is using the comp..
then teacher teach also like#%^$&#^@$ so yea...
then later was history, mrs vasu was like strict suddenly, but haha! need go health check.
girls must check backbone again.. then saw a bgps senior, talk talk joke joke.
then later was PW, did nothing much, & ding dong, school end.
went home straight. good girl yea?LOl
then sat took same bus as sharon, her chiobu friend,calvin&yangjie&co.
then is like, calvin sibei noisy lah.... damn irritating lah!!
then went home and do nothing lorh... byebye

for no certain reason,
i just feel really bad,sad & all right now,
im like always the odd one out yea?
some bitches still dare talk bad bout me..
damn tired of life now, GOSH!
when will all this craps just stop/end?!
feel like im drifted away to somewhere far,
i dont see any one right now, only my shadow,
trying to leave me too. fcuk up life I've got.
if i know, shouldnt have stop myself from bleeding yesterday.
no one know how much i actually bled.
i think, if i went back to the bus stop,
i still could find my blood stain there.
blood was literally dripping of my hand ,
just because of a small deep cut on my palm.
cutted by my new penknife.
the blood that i bled yesterday, couldnt be describe by any word.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

HEY, if anyones there/

heyhey peepos!
today, nothing much happened in school.
had an nice chat with jyoti&deb.
had dance today again, the steps totally sucks.
then after school, met up with mandeep, lala & lala's friend.
wanted to go lala house in the end mandeep went home first as she was grounded.
then we went to lala house,her house is damn big...
then talk talk talk, play play play & it was 4plus going already..
left the house, was waiting for bus 14, but it took so long,
&& i accidently cutted myself on my palm..
its like damn deep. it was non stop bleeding lah!
bled till #$%^$%^&^.. damn sick.
its kinda still bleeding a little now, ohyea,
i took a cab home, as the cut was NON STOP bleeding,
took tissue from the cabby too, i didnt have tissue with me.
use till lots of tissue, reached home, rushed to the toilet.
washed it with water & it still hurts but doesnt hurt much..
it looks damn $&*($#@!$%^&*(&!!!
yesterday was watch BOF, was bored so watch loh..
and didnt use the comp the whole day!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


had a funny conver with a friend.
on msn, he act to be obama lah..

She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
blahblahblah says:
-y scold me idiot
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-obama u sucks man
blahblahblah says:
-i throw atomic t u
-dun cry
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-cause u idiot mah
blahblahblah says:
-zai la u
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-so scare.
-stupid obama!!
blahblahblah says:
-drop u
-dun cry
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-not scare
blahblahblah says:
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-i throw back at u lah!
blahblahblah says:
-cannot throw back 1
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-i think you bomb die le also dont know
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
blahblahblah says:
-when u slping
-den i throw
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-obama is dead!
blahblahblah says:
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-u dead le how to throw me?
blahblahblah says:
-i dono
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-you retard!
blahblahblah says:
-u know first
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-u know
-the lyrics first bo
She's a mystery, a puzzle. says:
-idk wht talking u
-but i know u RETARD!

blahblahblah-> my friend
she's a mystery,a puzzle-> me!
not say very funny, but its kinda retard uh..


ahloha people,
today, hmm, woke up late...
currently in granny house. boring
mood now still aint very good....
in fact, its BAD! hahhahha.....
going to tamp later/soon? not very sure...
so yea, recreating a blog is useless....
its still dead........ so yea... cant do anything..
bored.... lalalala..... bored...
post again later...

okay, in the end, my mum went to tamp & i went home
i was too lazy to go tamp. LOl.... not really in the mood now
been feeling really' down this couples of days,
& after reading becky post, seems like i have no one to accompany me watch transfomer.
so yea,... things just aint turning out right yea...

why is it that eveyone must lie to me?
why is everything always a lie?
lie,lies, lair, liars!
gosh, i hate it much.
why? is it very fun to lie to me?
why cant people tell me the truth?
some people lie to me cause they say their scare i'll be hurt?
if you're lying to me to avoid me getting hurt, well,
its not working, it will only hurt me more.
just tell me the truth from the beginning,
& i wont be hurt that much. yesh, i will be hurt,
but as much as you lying to me.
the pain will just be deeper.
everytime, its either empty promises or just cheating,
im a person with feelings, not a robot for god sake.
cant people just stop lying to me?
will it be possible?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Im sorry... Im.. really really sorry...
I dont want to hurt you.
I..I really dont know what to do.
Not anymore....
Im just very confuse now.
I just cant make a decision.
And I dont want to hurt anyone.

I dont want to REGRET.
Cause, I think..... I've made enough mistake,
Have enough regrets. I dont need anymore.
I dont want to make anymore mistakes too.
Im really really confuse...
I cant seems to make the right decision.
I hear different story with different ending.
I love to believe you. but.....
Its like 3^ aganist u.
3 stories that are different from yours'.
So... who should I believe(?).....
Should i believe you?
You seems to be a good person,
With good characters &......
You just seems different from others,
Or so i thought?
Im really really confuse.
I feel like... its more to like,
Im not in a good state now.
My mind is like in a BIG MESS(!)..
Im.. just sorry...

different colour means different people.

hate it much(!)

heyhey people(!),
today first lesson was Chinese, hate it much lah!
teacher is like keep picking on me only..
then of course i will talk back to her lah.
then i talk bad, the class will laugh lah..
im like a joker in class i think.. then she will lose to me.
then she has to give in to me lah... so blah blah blah
after that was science, pretty ok, teacher is like have mood swing problem de lorh.
then after that was freakish english, hate it much..
then go through paper, then friends tio punish...
then was recess, ate pasta & mushroom soupand bought green tea..
total: spent $3.90 for recess, cheapp.... then later is CME,
talked bout' H1N1, then play some sort of logo game..
then stupid history teacher, today dont have ur lesson, still want give us homework!
make us waste our time to listen to you talk.
then after school went to tamp with alicia & verona.
i treated them mos burger corn soup.. yumyum..
then after eat, go buy penknife.... buy finish then went home.
and here i am! so nothing much uh.........
ohyea, today was suppose to have health check make us wear pe,
in the end change day to wed.. need wear pe again,.....
woohoo(!)~ MONDAY NO SCHOOL! no 3 period of MATH!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


okay,, today, hmms, first lesson was LITERATURE,
PURE BOREDOM! new teacher has like almost 0% of humour sense...
then after literature was english,BORINGS. hate it much..
didnt get scoldings from teacher.... & im so dead tmr..
then was recess, spent it with alicia.. almost all of my recess uh,
talk abit to regine cause she was like crazy doing hand singels to me during class.
so asked her what she wanted to say, then talk to rain a bit too..
& RAIN OW, you this sicko!!! LOl... he's fun but little sick.... LOllll....
then after recess was chinese, hate it much!!!!!!!
stupid teacher, think i dont dare take BASIC CHINESE AH?!?!?,
i rather take it then to be in your damn class lah!
then i keep talking back to her lah.. like almost the whole class dont like her.
then after chinese was SCIENCE, when to sci lab,
did experiement, bout' acid & something uh....
then do finish, times up too... then was math,
okok lah, was feeling sleepy by then le...... so yea.....
teacher didnt scold me for not bring textbook.. woohoo..
then after math is GEOG, hate it much too.
cause of the stupid damn teacher lah.. think wht sia, very big ah,
her punishment all so stupid 1 lah, stand in the class corner there only,
but she didnt punish me lah.... she act fierce only lahs...
then ding dong, school end,so went to locker put things & home!!!
hahahhah. ohyea! alvin go hit my head lah!!! pain leh.... idiot siol!
then home, eat lunch& use lappy lorh. & now, ending my post, with a big,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


okay, today, i gave schoolk a MISSED!
mainly because i was really really tired, but also because i was SICK.
i got a mild flu, bad sore & cough.. so gave schoolk a miss.
but didnt go and see doctor... not very serious mah.....
so woke up LATE(!)~ during noon then i wake up..
then today WHOLE day at home. most time in room.
then use my aunt lappy as she's in genting highland now.
so yea... online for like almost the whole day.
chatted on facebook & msn.... so, made a new friend today.
through facebook.. but i mean, friend de friend lah..
and then..... talk talk talk... also suddenly msg adam.
im random.. so yea...

yesterday was pretty ok uh....
in schoolk was okay... hmms,
ohyea, this week got PE twice!! woohoo.
so had PE lesson, hate it now, cause all the girls are supposed to DANCE(!)
so darn stupid! then they say modern dance, i though ok uh,..
but in the end, the ask the CHINESE DANCE instructor to teach us MODERN DANCE.
kinda stupid yea? its like !@$#%^%@$!#$%^.... ..... and worst, we have to learn to dance for 5 weeks. so my favourite thing bout school is like destroy for five weeks. darnit!
then after five weeks, its the boys turn to dance. cant wait for it!! hahahahha.
so recess, sat alone at first, then later alicia & co joined..
sat beside yangjie, keep disturbing him uh me.
then after recess was history, for 1 damn hour. BORING(!)~ nearly slept..
then after history was english, hate it much!
stupid teacher! then after english is LITERATURE.. new teacher.
MS YAP! she suck pretty much. MR KHOO better! he rockshardcore!
he's not teahing us anymore. ='(
so after literature was geog... dont really like it... LOl
after school, met up with andres first,
then wanted take cab, but in the end say dontwan
then wanted to walk, andres dontwant
then say take bus, bus come le, cannot squezze in,
then andres say walk, i dontwant, so in the end we take cab.. then i go buy bbt first.
then meet huilian & xinyi first. then later slack slack, jialin came and lastly weilin...
talk talk blah blah blah......

first lesson, PE. not dance,
we only ran... cause of shortage of time.... so yea,,.....
then nothing much....

Heyhey, lets start anew.

Heyhey, i creat a new blog to mean a new start!
so, im gonna try to blog daily or at least once a week.
the old blog just has to many memories.....
and yea, the old blog still do exist, but just private.
and it shall be my private blog.where i will express most of my feelings and all.
okay, so hope this plan would actually work out properly as plan..